Ryanair passenger call: ‘Flight canceled due to unnecessary strike’

Ryanair passenger call: ‘Flight canceled due to unnecessary strike’

“because of useless blow The Belgian Federation announced his trip was DeletedWith a message of this nature, Ryanair has informed some Italian passengers of canceling the flights they have booked for today and tomorrow. In short, the airline expresses assessments of the advisability of exercising what it is The basic right of workers, with a completely non-grammatical view of the company-employee dialectic. asked by IlFattoquotidiano.it, Ryanair Italy has not provided any response. In 2019 the company was judged in Italy Definitively anti-union behaviour. Flight cancellations have arrived but the company said yesterday it did not expect much inconvenience: “The strike has been called before Unions that have no representation at Ryanair – said the director of Italy Mauro Bola Addition – now let’s see how many adhesions will be even for those who do not have a guild to which they belong. contingency plan? We always think of the best situation, not the worst. We must bear in mind that this relates to the situation in Italy, but the strike is also European.”

Today abstaining from work was part of the primary cabin crew at Belgium, Spain and Portugal. Two Spanish unions, named by the acronyms Uso and Sitcpla . have denounced Ryanair does not allow its crew to participate in the strike : According to what the two organizations explained in a statement, the airline had set a “100% minimum level of services”, which would allow all scheduled flights to be carried out normally. As a result, the unions demanded Judicial intervention. The Ministry of Transport is stationary Minimum services range from 53% to 82%, As appropriate. For its part, the company considers that all flights scheduled today in Spain fall into the quota covered by the minimum services, writes Iberia newspaper. El País.

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Today at least 18 Ryanair flights between Spain and Brussels have been cancelled. A stop is also scheduled for tomorrow and Sunday. Further mobilization was planned in France and Italy. Ryanair unions are calling for a salary adjustment To counter the high cost of living and improve working conditions, which some union representatives described as “terrible.” Employee representatives also claim that the Irish company does not comply with labor regulations on issues such as Minimum wage. Ryanair’s Italian flight attendants declined to work last year June 8 caused many cancellations But the company turned to its customers by blaming the inspectors’ strike that affected some airports without causing major problems for other companies. Ryanair is not alone in battling labor protests. Fillings have been announced by employees of different carriers, starting from EasyJet.

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