Postal Savings Book, Supersmart offer is a daydream: We simulate interest rates

Postal Savings Book, Supersmart offer is a daydream: We simulate interest rates

Postal Smart Savings Book holders can activate the Supersmart offer and get a higher rate of interest than the free amounts.

A thousand euros on the ledger is enough to take advantage of an attractive offer from Poste Italiane. Let’s find out more.

Postal Savings

Postal Savings Book allows you to do just that Protect savings from inflation. Guaranteed by the Italian state, not including opening and management costs. Along with savings bonds it is one of the savings tools Offered by Poste Italiane to its customers to take advantage of the various benefits. To understand the value of a product, it is enough to know that it is on the market Since 1875 And that the number of subscribers today is more than 31 million Italians.

The power lies in making it possible A safe investment even starting from small amounts. The Italian company also offers different types of brochures so that each customer can find the best solution for their needs. We also find a file immaterial form Allowing you to securely withdraw and deposit your funds directly using the Libretto Card.

The proposals to be evaluated, for now, are Smart Libretto, Normal Libretto, Libretto for minors and Judicial Libretto. We will focus on smart suggestion to learn more Supersmart Show Currently active.

We activate the Supersmart offer in the postal savings book

The Supersmart Show can be activated by the Libretto Smart Stand at any time of the year. Release belovedHowever, it is reserved for those who contribute new liquidity In Poste Italiane at specific intervals. “New Liquidity” means amounts paid into checking accounts and postal savings books having the same address

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  • bank transfers,
  • Bank and cashier checks,
  • Payment of salaries and pensions.

Amounts that are not subject to provisions – that is, free amounts – will not benefit from the interest rate recognized in the Supersmart offer.

When will you pay the new liquidity?

To activate the Supersmart Premium offer, the new liquidity must be paid via on May 8, 2023 on Libretto Smart (or ledgers of savings accounts or other checking accounts with the same title as Libretto Smart). We remind you that any withdrawal made from March 17, 2023 (the date of activation of the initiative) up to the date of joining the 300-day Premium offer will reduce the new liquidity.

How to activate Supersmart Offer

Currently active offers are Super Smart Premium 300 days and Supersmart 180 days. The first, as mentioned, is intended for those who contribute new liquidity and can be activated from the portal, fromBanco Post application or by going to the post office. It promises a total annual interest rate at maturity 3.00%.

The second proposition, however, he has 1.50% interest rate. Like the premium version, it can be activated online, via the app, or at the post office. If you don’t have a Libretto Smart yet, you can Open in a few clicks electronically by identifying yourself with the credentials (Username and password).

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Let’s simulate the verdict

By accessing the Poste Italiane portal and entering the section dedicated to postal savings books, it is possible accrual simulation. Specifically, it will be possible to see the return of the amounts set aside in real time in order to work safely and choose the solution that best suits your needs.

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just enter The amount to be set aside Choose an amount greater than 1000 EUR and multiples of 50 to allow the system to calculate net interest Both with reference to a period of 300 days and 180 days.

The first simulator

We start by simulating the minimum judgment, thousand euros. By choosing the 180-day offer, the net interest will be 5.47 €. However, by choosing 300 days, interest will agree 18.24 euros.

The second simulation

We raise the allowance amount to 2500 euros. The net interest will be €13.68 after 180 days and 45.60 euros after 300 days.

The third simulation

Let’s move on to more quintessential characters like 5 thousand euros. By activating the Supersmart offer for 180 days on postal savings books, 27.37 € of interest will be refunded. On the other hand, with the 300-day Premium offer, the benefit will agree 91.20 euros.

Fourth simulation

We conclude with a final simulation of 20 thousand euros. The higher amount will allow a recovery of €109.48 of net interest after 180 days and after 300 days 364.79 euros of net interest.

The latest information on postal savings book offers

The interest indicated in the simulations will only be paid when the provision is made He will reach maturity. This is the net interest, which is determined by the application of withholding tax, and includes the stamp duty.

Activation can be done directly from the simulation page. After entering the amount to be allocated, in fact, the system will report the interest and after choosing the offer you want, you just have to click “Activate” to start the procedure. You will be asked to log into the portal (or application). Who is not yet registered on the site You can proceed online by entering your personal data and then proceeding with the purchase.

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Finally, remember that every user will be Free to deactivate the full amount in advance From providing Supersmart offer. Only interest will be refunded at the base price expected activation time. To proceed with the postage, simply access the BancoPosta application or the online postal savings service from the portal Alternatively, the interested party can go to the post office.

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