Poet Marta Pisarodonna is the guest of honor at the end of the poetry evenings at the library

Poet Marta Pisarodonna is the guest of honor at the end of the poetry evenings at the library

The famous writer concluded the course of the poetry evenings by talking about her works. People participating in the sessions were able to exchange ideas with the author herself.

Once again, the Montournes Library puts an end to the course of poetic conversations with a distinguished guest. This year, poet Marta Pisarodonna was responsible for closing the sessions, visiting the equipment on Friday afternoon.

The author met with about thirty people, most of whom follow the monthly gatherings, after they analyzed the work at the May 17 session. Poems 1969 – 2007From Pessarodonna itself.

The famous poet and storyteller was born in 1941 in Terrassa, and has received such honors as the Sant Jordi Cross, the National Literature Prize of the Generalitat, the Catalan Literature Prize and, most recently, the Order of Honor of the Generalitat in 2023. He published his first book in 1968 with the title The early days of 1968he wrote about 25 other images, including portraits of figures such as Montserrat Roig (1994), Maurya Aurelia Capmani (1996), Frederica Montseny (1998), Mercier Rodoreda (2003 and 2005), and Caterina Albert (2005).

The library is a forum for reference writers

As usual, the Montournes Library refuses each chapter of the poetic encounters with a visit to the author in question. Mireya Calafell, Manuel Furcano, Ana Aguilar-Amat, and Antonina Canellis finished the 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 cycles, respectively. In addition, last year the writer Josep Pedrals presented a summer poetry workshop and a session dedicated to the dean of Valvoguna. Years earlier, in 2019, poet Jaume C. Ponce Alorda Concert on the occasion of the bicentenary of the birth of Walt Whitman, the book’s author Grass leaves.

9 years of spreading the passion for poetry

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The Poetry Club of the Montournes Library was founded in 2015, and since then its 17 members (some from municipalities such as Manresa and Olot) have been meeting once a month, to read texts and exchange opinions. The meetings are held in collaboration between volunteers Salvador Bela, who presents a foreign poet, and Marc Bruna, who presents a local writer. The proposal receives a grant from the Institute of Catalan Literature, an entity of the state Ministry of Culture that works to promote the Catalan language and encourage reading.

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