Parco Agrisolare Incentives, applications starting September 12th

Parco Agrisolare Incentives, applications starting September 12th
Parco Agrisolare Incentives, applications starting September 12th

PV and farms one month to claim contributions

( – Everything is ready for the new stuff Motifs from the agrisolar park, a PNRR scale that supports the insolation of buildings for agricultural use. On July 21, 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture published the notice containing the methods View questionswith some basic documents attached such as i ATECO Codes and the operating rules Prepared by the Director of Energy Services (GSE). To apply for the new subsidy, you have to wait 12.00 on September 12, 2023The day when the telematics platform created by GSE will be officially opened.

By October 12, 2023, each subject can submit a single proposal or, in the case of separate projects, several proposals but based on a single category of aid among those intended for: investments in farms associated with primary agricultural production; investments in companies manufacturing agricultural products; investments in the processing of agricultural products and their conversion into non-agricultural products; Investments in the primary agricultural production sector that exceed the self-consumption limit or the joint self-consumption limit. He’s inside With a maximum spending of €2,330,000.

News of Decree 2023

But while you’re waiting for the gate to lift, it’s worth checking out some of the new features of Agrisolar Park 2023 tender and access requirements to measure. Compared to 2022, the tool has been enriched and expanded, increasing the incentives of Agrisolare Park and introducing a new state of shared self-consumption. The 2023 decree raised the maximum aid granted to 80% for companies engaged in primary agricultural production and agricultural transition to farming. It granted total corporate participation and raised the maximum installable power of photovoltaic systems on agricultural rooftops to 1 megawatt. It also doubled the maximum eligible spend for storage systems up to €100,000 for recharging devices up to €30,000.

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Parco Agrisolare 2023 Incentives, PV Requirements

To apply for Parco Agrisolare incentives, projects must comply with specific requirements. L’photovoltaic system They shall be of new construction and have a total peak power of between 6 kWp and 1000 kWp. In the event of an upgrade of the existing PV system, the contribution to be recognized will be determined solely on the basis of the costs incurred for the new section. Construction work must begin after the bid is submitted and solar panels can only be installed on Roofing of existing buildings is useful for agricultural activity. Including those intended for reception and hospitality in the context of agrotourism activity, owned by the subject and duly registered on the date of sending the offer. And also allow the system to be installed on existing greenhousesas well as in Buildings surveyed with cadastral categories other than D/10 Or without the annotation to recognize financial fluctuations, provided that they are beneficial to the activity carried on by the company.

For farms active in primary agricultural production, photovoltaic projects can access Parco Agrisolare incentives only if the goal is to meet the energy needs of the company and the production capacity of the panels does not exceed the average annual energy consumption of electricity and heat calculated together.

Parco Agrisolare 2023 Incentives, Complementary Interventions

Besides building roofs and sunshades, the action also enables others to be galvanized Redevelopment procedures and efficiency any:

  • Removal and disposal of asbestos/asbestos from roofs, in accordance with applicable national sectoral legislation. In this case, the operating rules stipulate that reclamation works can also be carried out in parts different or larger than those in which the photovoltaic station will be built, provided that they belong to the same building.
  • investigationRoof thermal insulation;
  • Create a ventilation system Attached to the roof replacement (air gap). A ventilation layer of suitable thickness should be created in order to improve the overall hygrometric thermal behavior of the building.
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For each of the last two interventions, the beneficiary must submit a sworn technical report by a qualified professional.

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