Model 730/2022 Expires September 30th, last day of dispatch: What to watch out for

Model 730/2022 Expires September 30th, last day of dispatch: What to watch out for

Last day to send Model 730/2022 To the Revenue Agency: This is tax declaration “Favorite” by employees and retirees. there Limit To send 730 pre-filled or normal is September 30so taxpayers still have a few hours to stream.

But what are the most important things to pay attention to? Regardless of the tax return schedule, other factors must be taken into account, so as not to risk them Penalties tax, or lose your refund.

Tax Return Form 730 Expires September 30th

The first thing to look for is a file Evaluation. The deadline for those using the 730 is September 30 to submit it online to the Revenue Agency.

Taxpayers who instead use the Pf income form (basically those with a VAT number) have even November 30 To send the permit to the financial department.

The taxpayer who has already sent 730 and found an error has even time October 25 To send an additional 730 to the Café or to the Professional if the permit is acceptable. On the other hand, if the return is due (and therefore not suitable for the taxpayer), he can file a corrective income form through November 30, 2022.

730 Prefilled: What to do if there are errors?

If you find a qualified café or professional after submitting your tax return Errors Resulting in the installation of an unfaithful visa, the taxpayer must be notified in order to proceed with the processing and submit to the Revenue Agency for the amended declaration, using Form 730 relating to the tax period to be corrected.

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The 730 Correction Form It must be sent by November 10 From the year following the tax year to which the data to be corrected refer and a similar alternative follow the normal correction procedure. On the other hand, if the alternative is changed, it should be considered “730 without replacement”. After November 10 of the year following the tax year to which the data to be corrected refers, it must qualify as “730 without alternative.”

730 and the medical expense deduction: what to watch out for

As of 2020, only expenses paid are deductible for personal income tax purposes With cards and discount cardswhile in the case of payment in CashThe refund from Irpef is lost. However, the rules for medical and health costs are different, and about half of them apply. In light of the social significance of the facility, the 2020 budget law states the following:

  • It is deducted only if expenses incurred by physicians or private health facilities are paid by traceable means;
  • Cash is allowed to be used for expenses incurred in the National Health Service but also at approved private facilities.

This means that not all medical and health expenses paid in cash are excluded from your personal income tax refund. Those for approved public or private buildings are deductible according to the normal rules.

What to check in 730 precompiled

The first thing to check when arriving at a pre-filled area 730 (apart from personal data) is the correctness of the information about healthcare costs. Despite the digitization of tax authorities, and the fact that more and more taxpayers are paying by traceable means, there are often shortcomings in this section.

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In addition, it must be borne in mind that they will appear for the first time this year in tax returns New rewardswhich translates into deductions for expenses incurred for:

  • carry out swabs and tests for Sars-Cov-2;
  • Tax credit for the purchase of electric scooters and electric mobility services;
  • first home purchase for those under the age of 36;
  • Membership and annual subscription for children between the ages of 5 and 18 in conservatories and higher art, music and dance training institutions.

In these cases, too, it is a good idea to check the expenses indicated in the pre-filled advertisement: for this reason, it is a good idea to keep receipts and invoices.

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