Megan Markle, New Diplomatic Event with the United States: “Queen Elizabeth’s Intervention”

Megan Markle, New Diplomatic Event with the United States: “Queen Elizabeth’s Intervention”

New diplomatic event Megan Markle Intervention will be required Queen Elizabeth. Wife of Policy Harry It would once again violate the neutral rule imposed on the United Kingdom in the affairs of other countries and in the case of the United States. The Duchess wrote a letter to Congress United States To encourage approval for paid parental leave.

Megan turned By writing a long message to the US Congress Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the Senate and Speaker of the House. These words were reported by the site “Paid Holiday for All”. The matter was a favorite of the Duchess, who had recently expanded the family, but in the face of this interruption and relative “diplomatic incident” Queen Elizabeth may have lost her temper and regained the title.

“Like all parents, Harry and I were happy to welcome our children. Like many parents, we find ourselves overwhelmed by the attention we need. However, like very few parents, we do not have to deal with the harsh reality. Nowadays many people have to choose whether they want to be in the family or do good to the child or go to work, otherwise they have no pay. No one should be the same “, It reads. The “American Families Plan” offers up to 80% paid leave for 12 weeks though a lot of effort.

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