Maturity: Tacitus, Seneca and the Taliban, the second exam chosen by professors – special files

Maturity: Tacitus, Seneca and the Taliban, the second exam chosen by professors – special files

classic Seneca and Tacitus versions; functional studies with logarithms, parametric equations of parabolas, integrals, geometry problems, scientific theorems and integrals; Globalization in the humanities. And again: texts about discrimination; Speech at the United Nations on 12 July 2013 by the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner, Malala, and the regime of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the importance of travel and cell phones in English texts submitted to language students. And the tests on financial statements in economics, the definition of marketing, the difference between fixed and variable costs and more in technical institutes specializing in management and finance that conducted the business economics test. These are some of the many paths that commissioners mapped out this morning and proposed to 520,000 graduates for the second written test, the true novelty of the 2022 state examination.

This was the ministry’s “compromise” when, after announcing the return of written exams to high school, several student associations protested, saying the boys had lost many hours of school in their presence so they could take them. the exam. Thus, in light of the difficult years experienced by the epidemic this year, Minister Patrizio Bianchi decided to cancel the second national exam and to seek different tests from one institution to another, which took into account the programs already implemented by the children. So the teachers who teach Paper Two yesterday, and who are part of the examination committees in each school, developed three proposals for pathways based on the information contained in the documents prepared by the class boards. This morning the path has been drawn from these proposals and implemented by all concerned groups. In this second exam, up to 10 points can be obtained and the duration varies from one title to another: it ranges from 1 day, and generally lasts 6 hours (but there are frames of reference that can also include a duration of 4 hours or a maximum of 8 hours) for an exam Technical high school, which lasts 3 days (6 hours a day).

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The test takes place in written, graphic or written form with practical, compositional/musical and dance drawing. Children generally found the effects that were suggested on them feasible, with a few exceptions: “A topic appeared in the first quadrant that surprised children at first because it is a very broad topic – explains the chair of the High School Science Committee. Omani, Danilo Fica, Head Teacher of a Technical Institute in Rome – Test characteristic is to have a page limit for writing to explain what they want to say. The students, in 4 columns, have to deal with the contents proposed to them offering a critical point of view. But after a moment of confusion, they reassured themselves and began to write.” In general, however, the graduates seemed satisfied with the second test of the exam they took today, “The teachers did a good job, gave us traces in our chains,” most said. Now it is the turn of the oral examination, the final interview which usually takes place from Monday or Tuesday of the week following the written examinations, and thus from 27 June.

Here are all the topics covered by 520,000 graduates in the second paper.

Classic High School: Latin
Scientific high school: Maths
Language High School: foreign language and culture
Technical High School: varies by title
High School for the Humanities: Humanities
Liceo Social Humanities Economic ChoiceLaw and political economy
High school music and danceTheory, analysis, and composition

Technical Institutes:
Management, finance and marketing: business economics;
– International Marketing Relations: Business Economics and Geopolitics;
Mechanics, Mechatronics and Energy: Energy Systems, Design and Planning.
– Tourism title: Tourism and business specializations.
-Transportation and Logistics: Logistics;
– electronics and electrical technologies: electronics and electrical technologies;
– information and communication technology: information technology, systems and networks;
-Agricultural: processing products;
-Fashion: product concept and design;
Drawing and Communication: Multimedia Design

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professional institutes:
– Agriculture: agricultural economy and regional development;
– Social health services: hygiene, medical and health culture;
Hotel / Food and Wine: the science and culture of food;
– tourist reception: the law and administrative techniques of the accommodation facility;
Commercial Services: Professional Techniques for Commercial Services

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