“Like a third child. He started bleeding, I was moved.”

“Like a third child. He started bleeding, I was moved.”

Animals occupy a special place in the hearts and lives of many people. And actress Micol Oliveri knows this very well. Indeed, in …

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the the animals They occupy a special place in the hearts and lives of many people. and actress Michael Oliveri He knows her well. In fact, on her latest Instagram story, Mikul posted a series of videos in which she admitted that she had almost given birth to her “third child.” In this case, however, it is neither a dog nor a cat, but a horse. “I called the vet in front of my son Samuel’s pediatrician,” the actress admitted.

“The horse (named Sugar) suddenly rolled on the ground with my daughter Aria. Under his stomach a benign tumor like cysts popped out. It started to bleed and I was shocked.”

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Micol Olivieri on Instagram

The emotional bond you create with animals cannot be explained in words; The situation becomes difficult especially for the children. My daughter Aria cried a lot, her eyes were very swollen. In fact, he said repeatedly that he “couldn’t stand his horse being sick.” He kept repeating to me: “I’m hurting him, mom, how can I do that?” Mikul explained on her Instagram stories.

But fortunately, the actress explained that the horse is now being treated and is doing much better. Thus, little Arya would be able to calm down without feeling guilty.

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