“It’s like a thousand other couples rin ******* iti”

“It’s like a thousand other couples rin ******* iti”
“It’s like a thousand other couples rin ******* iti”

The journalist also joins the list of public figures who have decided to expose themselves and give their opinions on the hot topic of the hour: the end of the marriage between Francesco Totti and Ilari Blasi. In the editorial of Domani, Lucarelli reconstructs the stages of estrangement which, in her view, are a gallery cliché.

Even public figures can’t help but talk about it Francesco Totti and Ilari Blasi. The end of twenty years of love shook general opinion In an unexpectedly inflated way, not even me clearly famous faces They are shock free. Wild Lucarelli Signing the opening tomorrow dedicate to The former beloved couple of the capital, Rattle disintegration stages step by step.

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our hand Roman Br Alex Noketelliwhich since his “friends” announced Separation He lost a lot of opportunities to stay calm. On the contrary, I Ansar From the story rightly confined behind a Silence absolute. Francesco Totti He hardly appears around, despite rumors that he is Dissatisfied with the increasing insolence of gossip And be prepared to break the silence.

Elari Place He is enjoying the sea sabdiaAs his witnesses testify IG . stories, not as frequent as at this point. As reported by the weekly newThere is, too showgirl she’s going to Tell the truth about the end of his marriage. She was going to choose her friend’s TV living room Silvia Tovanenin an episode of very right September. Finally there Noemi Bocchi“the other woman”, the third vertex of the triangle, which has even Removal what is your name Intercom Homepage.

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Selvaggia Lucarelli on Totti and Ilari: ‘You have to be able to tolerate doubts’

juror Dancing with the stars very long books editorial who regained the stages Separation Between the former football player and the broadcaster as they were Told by the media. wild looking Totti and Elari the last Couple with vintage flavor and authentic. Completely different – thank God, he points out – from him loves todaywhich blooms between the hashtag and IG story.

One can say that Even the matter of the private investigator that Elari paid is outdated For evidence of treason, but this is not an old fact, It’s an elite fact: There are marriages that have survived wearing horns and suspects because there is no money for private investigators. until Doubts must be allowed.

Selvaggia does not rule out a Francesco Totti. Elari, she said, was going to drink it Lies about Noemi Bocchi Because when you have the same You look surprised 45 years ago, You can handle one questioning suspicious wifeAnyway, the former Giallorossi captain acted, According to Lucarelli, Like the most vulgar couples:

until my tummy, Who swore eternal love to one teamHe gave up Ilary for another club. […] If what you read is true, Enter the world of clichés: He, an unsurpassed hero of gentle love, He was going to fall in love He even dined with his wife at H . Restaurant Have the new flame sit at a table farther away, So being able to seduce her through a game of weak looks. […] In short, nothing that Another thousand stoned men Of sudden passion in a lazy marriage not already done.

“Elarie Blasey is sexy on social media for revenge”

At the social juncture of plassiInstead of that , blogger See consent research, a freedom scream Need approvals:

the sudden Passion for sexy pictures on social mediathe consoling instinct to feel wanted, Mysterious and perhaps provocative images of the two Capuchins as if to suggest that it was an awakening into two, not the subconscious subtext of one Discover freedom in seduction or just like it. Then there in plain sight beside his sunbed on the shore of Sabbadia, The most insulting insult to her husband: a book.

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