Italy Poland direct result of qualifying for the 2024 Olympics

Italy Poland direct result of qualifying for the 2024 Olympics

After a 3-0 win over Germany, the Italians play for the Olympic qualifiers in a direct confrontation with host Poland: whoever wins goes to Paris, and whoever loses will still be able to qualify by bringing back the better-ranked teams at the end of the Nations League preliminary stage. The match is broadcast live on Sky Sport Uno and is being broadcast now

Italy – Poland 1-2 (25-15, 24-26, 23-25) Live“”postId”:”f3989e72-2065-47a5-ab74-ad49bffffc33″}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-09-24T19:55:55.584Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-24T21:55:55+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Com’è andato il terzo set”,”content”:”

Esattamente come nel secondo parziale, sono le azzurre a gettare via un set ben condotto fino al 20-17. Da lì i soliti errori in ricezione e imprecisioni al servizio che avvantaggiano la rimonta polacca. Tra poco il quarto set

“,”postId”:”ca278c61-0cfb-4304-9bb9-e2bee8c7f65e”},{“timestamp”:”2023-09-24T19:53:48.269Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-09-24T21:53:48+0200″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”Italia-Polonia 1-2″,”content”:”

3° SET: c’è il tocco del muro sull’attacco polacco! 23-25 Polonia che vince anche il terzo set


3° SET: punto di Stysiak! 23-24 ed è set point Polonia


3° SET: sbaglia Stysiak al servizio! 23-23


3° SET: murata Antropova! Polonia avanti 22-23


3° SET: Lukasik sulle mani del muro! 22-22


3° SET: Marina Lubian in primo tempo! 22-21 Italia


3° SET: murata Sylla! 21-21


3° SET: errore anche di Danesi in battuta! 21-20


3° SET: sbaglia la Polonia dai nove metri! 21-19 Italia


3° SET: murata Antropova! Polonia a -1 sul 20-19


3° SET: risponde Stysiak da quattro! 20-18


3° SET: bomba di Antropova in diagonale! 20-17


3° SET: vincente adesso la nazionale di Lavarini da posto quattro! 19-17


3° SET: sbagliano anche loro dai nove metri! 19-16 Italia

See also  Calzona introduces Maradona


3° SET: fuori il servizio di Lubian! 18-16


3° SET: ancora Elena Pietrini!!! 18-15 Italia


3° SET: Pietrini in diagonale per il 17-15!


3° SET: vincente Stysiak con il mani fuori! 16-15


3° SET: altro errore dai nove metri della Polonia! 16-14 Italia

“,”postId”:”cd8f3eba-6f76-4dbf-84c4-35f812cdb998″}]}” query='{“live”:true,”configurationName”: “LIVEBLOG_CONTAINER_WIDGET”, “liveblogId”: “6f9f0f09-d7ad-457b-9210-fc10bc915ff6”, “tenant”: “sport”, “page”: 1} ‘>

Italy – Poland 1-2 (25-15, 24-26, 23-25) Live

He lives

How did the third group go?

Just like in the second part They are the Italians who put away a well-performing group to 20-17. Hence the usual errors in reception and inaccuracy in service which benefit the Polish return. Fourth group coming soon

Italy-Poland 1-2

September 3: There’s a touch to the wall on the Polish attack! 23-25 ​​Poland, which also won the third group

September 3: Stesiak point! 23-24 which is the specific point for Poland

September 3: Stesiak misses the serve! 23-23

September 3: Walled Antropova! Poland leads 22-23

Group 3: Lukasik At the hands of the wall! 22-22

September 3: Marina Lupyan First time! 22-21 Italy

September 3: Walled Silla! 21-21

September 3: Danisi also made a mistake during the serve! 21-20

September 3: Poland misses from nine metres! 21-19 Italy

September 3: Walled Antropova! Poland -1 at 20-19

September 3: Stysiak responses of four! 8-6 pm

September 3: Lavarini’s national team is now the winner from fourth place! 19-17

September 3: They also commit fouls from nine meters away! 19-16 Italy

September 3: Loubian service is out! 18-16

September 3: Still Elena Petrini!!! 18-15 Italy

The third group: Petrini diagonally to 5 – 3 pm!

September 3: Stysiak wins hands down! 16-15

September 3: Another mistake from nine meters for Poland! 16-14 Italy

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