Italian Stock Exchange, commenting on today’s session (February 24, 2022)

Italian Stock Exchange, commenting on today’s session (February 24, 2022)

The winds of war between Russia and Ukraine weighed heavily. Banks are sinking: UniCredit loses more than 10%. Focus on oil stocks, as the price of crude oil reached $100

The main indices of the Italian Stock Exchange and the main European financial markets Accelerate to the downside, following news of a Russian attack on some cities in Ukraine. Old continent stock exchange falls within 5%. From a technical point of view, Filippo Dejodovic – Chief Market Strategist at IG Italia – Does not see positively the 25,000-point break of the FTSEMib indexAnd it is not excluded that if the index returns below this limit, conditions can be created for further declines, with targets at 24850 and 24500. According to the strategist, the measures that the international community will take against Russia will determine the scenario of the next few days. Filippo Dejudovic believes that an escalation of the conflict, with very severe sanctions and the supposed exclusion of Russia from the international payments system SWIFT, would greatly harm the Italian stock market and banking sector, which is why Italy is the most lukewarm towards any of them. Penalties. The strategist concluded that “in the markets, we can only consider ourselves in a recovery environment if we cross 26,000 points, but at the moment we are facing a strong bearish scenario.”

2:00 p.m. FTSEMib It fell by 5.02% to 24652 points, after it fluctuated between a minimum of 24,539 points and a maximum of 25,545 points. At the same time FTSE Italia all participated It decreased by 4.99%. Also minus sign for FTSE Italia medium hat (-4.65%) for The star of FTSE Italia (-4.23%).

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The Bitcoin It was returned to $35,500 (just over €31,500).

The BTP-Bund spread Has exceeded 175 points.

L ‘euro She returned over $1,115.

Focus on stocks in the oil sectorAfter the price of crude oil in New York (the contract expires in April 2022) reached $100 per barrel.

High volatility strong Saipem (-1.44% up to 0.9876 euros)after spreading Preliminary Financial Results for 2021. The company reported that the fourth quarter significantly impacted the results, which reported negative consolidated operating profit of 901 million euros, excluding the negative impact of 1.02 billion euros, resulting from increased difficulties. On some specific offshore wind and onshore E&C contracts highlighted with Backlog review process. Saipem’s senior management also provided the guidelines for the review of the Strategic Plan 2022-2025.

In the positive area where are you (+13% to €13,578).

Bad stocks in the banking sector. UniCredit It loses 11.7% to 12,458 euros, while Intesa San Paulo It yields 8.22% to 2.405 euros. Very bad BancoBPM (-7.83%)

Pirelli Sharp decline (-10.5% 5.58 euros)after spreading Preliminary Financial Results for 2021The year ended with growth in the most important economic indicators. Based on figures obtained last year, Pirelli’s management has provided financial targets for 2022, a year that will be marked by sustainable economic growth, albeit in a scenario that displays elements of volatility. Meanwhile, Pirelli announced that it has received an “investment grade” rating from S&P Global and Fitch.

Campari “Limits” damages (-1.87% to 9.12 euros)After the severe correction he suffered in the previous session.

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Definitely a bad day too Buzzi Unicem (-9.56% to 16.56 euros). The company is active in Ukraine and Russia. On the occasion of disclosing its preliminary results for fiscal year 2021, Buzzi Unicem reported that it achieved a trading volume of 127 million euros and 207.4 million, respectively, in the two countries. The company ended 2021 with total revenue of 3.45 billion euros.

Leonardo Suspended due to excessive skew.

Among the companies with smaller capital, jingle Geox (Stopped for exceeding discount with a theoretical decrease of 14.1%)Pending disclosure of financial results for fiscal year 2021. In the first nine months of 2021, the company generated 9% of the turnover of the entire group in Russia.

backwards, gas plus Hanging due to height increase After achieving a theoretical progression of 23.4%.

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