Israel – Hamas is at war, today’s news | United Nations: “The Israeli raid on Jabalia may be a war crime.” The first 4 Italians to leave the Gaza Strip

Israel – Hamas is at war, today’s news |  United Nations: “The Israeli raid on Jabalia may be a war crime.”  The first 4 Italians to leave the Gaza Strip

• It is the twenty-sixth day of the war: XXX Palestinians killed, according to Hamas. XXX these Israelites; XXX hostage in Gaza.
• Some of them were bombed refugee camps In Gaza, there are “many victims.”
• Houthi rebels in Yemen, supported by Iran, attacked the Israeli city of Eilat.
• Words and abbreviations for understanding conflict: Glossary.
• Explain the history of the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.

06.18 am – Russia: “France’s proposal to form an anti-Hamas coalition may cause escalation.”

The French proposal to form an international coalition to fight the Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas threatens to spark escalation in the Middle East. This was stated by Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova to RIA Novosti. On October 24, during his visit to Israel, French President Emmanuel Macron proposed, in a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the creation of an international and regional coalition to fight Hamas.

“The French idea and the hostile statements of many other international actors, supported by the mobilization of military forces in the Eastern Mediterranean, seem to carry a further escalation of the armed confrontation in the Middle East and the internationalization of conflict and conflict. “Involving new participants,” Zakharova said. The spokeswoman added: “In a broader sense, it is worth noting that this is not the first of similar French initiatives that do not get to the root of the problem, but the international community has long viewed it with increasing skepticism.”

05.53 AM – Red Crescent: “Bombing near Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza.”

Sounds of explosions and detonations were heard for more than two hours in the vicinity of Al-Quds Hospital in Gaza, according to reports from the Palestinian Red Crescent, which published several videos filmed from one of the hospital windows on an X phone. “For more than two hours, the area surrounding Al-Quds Hospital in Tal Al-Hawa in Gaza has been subjected to intense bombardment, with loud explosions causing panic and fear among hospital teams and more than 14,000 displaced people,” Prcs says on X.

05.29 Sirens sounded from the occupation army in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip

New alarms at night. Sirens sounded around the Gaza Strip. The IDF announced this via Telegram.

05.07 am – The death toll between Palestinians and Israelis worsened

The death toll from the terrorist massacre that occurred on October 7 is more than 1,400. According to the latest estimates, at least 240 hostages (including children and the elderly) have been kidnapped and deported to the Gaza Strip by Palestinian terrorists (an estimate that is not final, and does not include the four hostages released so far and the hostage freed by the Israel Defense Forces). From 7 October onwards, more than 320 Israeli soldiers were killed (13 in ground operations in the Gaza Strip) while fighting Palestinian terrorists in the south and Lebanese Hezbollah terrorists in the north.

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According to Palestinian sources, the death toll in Gaza reached 8,796 (Hamas does not differentiate between civilians and militants), including 3,648 children and more than 22,000 wounded.

03.54 am – Biden: “There must be a pause to allow the prisoners to leave.”

“I think we need a break. “A pause means giving time to let the prisoners out”: Joe Biden said this at a campaign event in Minnesota, after an audience member shouted “As a rabbi, I want you to call a ceasefire now.” This was mentioned by the team of journalists accompanying him, without specifying whether the president was referring to the hostages or to the detainees in the Gaza Strip.

03.34 am – United Nations: “The raid on Jabalia may constitute a war crime.”

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights said that the Israeli bombing of the Jabalia Palestinian refugee camp in the Gaza Strip could constitute a war crime. «Due to the large number of civilian casualties and the extent of the destruction caused by the Israeli air strikes “With regard to Jabalia refugee camp, we deeply fear that these are disproportionate attacks that could amount to war crimes,” the UN agency wrote on the X website.

03:05 – Four Italians leave Gaza: “Devastated, let us think about the disaster that left us.” Tajani: We are working to get the other 14 out

(By Fabrizio Caccia) I One hundred meters Longer than their lives, their travel took more than half a day: from UNRWA campUnited Nations agency for Palestinian refugees. Even crossing the border into Egypt, Al Rafah crossingsouth of the sector. Laura Kanali From Human Rights Watch, Maya Baboti Action Against Hunger, Giuditta Bratini from the Association Gazella E Jacopo Intini From South South International’s cooperation with his Palestinian wife, Amal Khayal, the head of the mission, whom he met three years ago in Gaza.

I The first group of Italians To get out of this hell, in the afternoon they talked to Mary Calvellian ACS (Association for Cooperation and Solidarity) aid worker, their friend for years, with whom they have shared thousands of humanitarian projects. One hundred meters is too longdue to the worrying wait for all visas and Necessary licenses By different governments: Egypt, Israel, Qatar. Until the signal arrived and the United Nations convoy set off.

02.44 am – Discussions about a multinational force in Gaza after Hamas

02.11 am – Occupation forces advance with armored vehicles and drones: “We are at the gates of Gaza City.”

(By Davide Frattini, our correspondent) “At the gates of Gaza City” – as an Israeli general declares – mechanized infantry forces arrived there aboard the tanker “Namerz”, and installed a “Merkava” tank and an armored personnel carrier. Givati ​​Brigade soldiers – who know the terrain better and are part of the Southern Division – can get out of the vehicle for direct combat and then return to it. The speed of the incursion was dictated by diesel engines, not the pace of the army. And maybe that’s why – the vehicles are newly designed –Progress was faster than expected. In five days, we are already in a full-fledged all-out war on the pitch“, writes Amos Harel, an analyst for the newspaper Haaretz. That is why 16 Israelis fell, 11 of them killed by an anti-tank missile that hit the same Nimr River on which they were transporting. That is why Palestinian casualties are increasing – in total there are at least 9,000 people, including many Of civilians – Yesterday the missiles fell Jabalia refugee camp was bombed for the second timeAccording to Palestinian sources, “dozens were killed.”

Read the full article here.

01.50 am – The Pope: “The potential escalation will be the end of many things.”

“Nothing is solved by war. Escalation is possible, and it will be the end of many things and many lives. “I believe that human wisdom stops these things. Yes, there is a possibility, but this war affects us because of what it means to Israel, Palestine, the Holy Land and Jerusalem, but Ukraine also affects us because it is close.” Thus, in the interview with the director of Tg1, Gian Marco Ciucci, Pope Francis answered the question of whether he fears a global escalation. “But there are many other wars that do not affect us: Kivu, Yemen, and Myanmar with the Rohingya martyrs. “The world is at war, but the arms industry is behind it.”

01.14 am – The Rafah and Gaza crossings were opened and hundreds fled

(By Andrea Nicastro, our correspondentFinally, someone can leave the Gaza Strip. Not one person, but two people at the same time, but hundreds. Yesterday they arrived to safety from the Rafah crossing 335 “foreigners” and 76 wounded Palestinians entered Egypt. They also include four Italians and all the international staff of MSF: 22 people. There could have been more, however Communications in Gaza are difficult. You send a WhatsApp message and the double check does not appear for several days. Even transportation is a problem, and apart from the explosions, there is no petrol. There were 491 “foreigners” on the list approved by all parties, however Some of them did not reach RafahOthers were not notified, and others refused to leave their relatives who did not get the green light. According to various sources, there are between 5 and 7 thousand “foreigners” in Gaza. Four hundred hold American passports With their family members authorized to accompany them, there are thousands of them. Cairo estimates that it will take two weeks to evacuate them all. then? Will anyone else be able to get out? At the moment it doesn’t seem so. Palestinian civilians must remain trapped in Gaza.

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00:59- Herzog: The return of the hostages is as important as victory

“I tell you what I told the families, unequivocally: the hostages are in our thoughts and their return is an integral part of the success of this campaign – obviously – with the victory in this decisive war against the enemy and the restoration of security. In the country.” This came during a speech delivered by Israeli President Isaac Herzog to the nation about “resilience, spirit, and spirit,” during which he praised the “Israeli mosaic” that he saw during his visit to the wounded, hostage families, and displaced communities, according to what was reported by the Times of Israel newspaper. Israel. Herzog confirmed That “the best minds – thousands of Israelis, from the country’s leadership to all levels of the security services – will work with professionalism and dedication, every minute of the day, to fulfill our moral duty as a country – to bring the hostages to you at home.” The Israeli president then accused Hamas of waging a “psychological campaign” against Israel, and asked Israelis not to fall into its trap and spread baseless rumours.

00.35 am – Egypt: “76 injured and 335 foreigners evacuated from Gaza”

An Egyptian official said that 76 wounded Palestinians and 335 foreigners and dual nationals were evacuated from the Gaza Strip to Egypt today, for the first time since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas. The official at the site, contacted by AFP by phone in Ismailia, said: “At 4:30 pm (3:30 pm Italian time), 76 wounded Palestinians crossed the Rafah border crossing on board ambulances, and 335 people carrying foreign passports on board six buses.” Northeast of the country. The Egyptian authorities had indicated that they would open the Rafah crossing exceptionally to allow the passage of approximately 90 wounded Palestinians and approximately 545 citizens and foreigners of dual nationality.

00.27 am – Guterres: “I am shocked by the raid on the refugee camp.”

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres expressed his “dismay” at the Israeli air strikes on the refugee camp in Gaza. His spokesman announces this.

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