The UIB convenes an extraordinary Board of Directors to handle Palestine Camp requests

The UIB convenes an extraordinary Board of Directors to handle Palestine Camp requests

the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) called for an extraordinary session of the Board of Directors on Monday, May 27, to consider the requests submitted by the collective group Camping for Palestine In UIBwho has been on campus since May 17.

The group took its demand to Son Lledó, where it was received by UIB board members, who took note of their demands.

The Vice-Rector for Strategic Planning, Internationalization and Cooperation, Marcos Nadal, and the Vice-Rector for Students, Carmen Toza, conveyed the UIB’s condemnation of any message or action guided by intolerance and, in particular, the threats and aggression they direct. mentioned

They were also informed that the UIB has beefed up security staff, with a 24-hour presence around the camping area so that incidents like those that occurred in recent days are not repeated.

The Board of Directors calls on the entire university community to assume responsibility for enabling the exercise of the right to protest peacefully, in an atmosphere of respect and firm rejection of any form of discrimination, hatred or violence, ensuring university coexistence at all times.

For peace in Palestine

The IBF has on several occasions expressed and reaffirmed its commitment to peace, coexistence and justice, as well as to the defense of international humanitarian law. The UIB Board of Directors has publicly expressed the request for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. He also called for “intensifying political and diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the desperate situation of the Palestinian civilian population and Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas.”

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“Universities are institutions open to dialogue, debate and the democratic confrontation of ideas, and they should be so. Not only are they no strangers to conflicts, but the nature of the university institution itself is the effort to guide and resolve them in an orderly, civil and democratic way,” they point out from the UIB.

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