Ilary Blasey, there’s a surprise guest in the studio at Isola. Social delirium: “But is it really him?”

Ilary Blasey, there’s a surprise guest in the studio at Isola.  Social delirium: “But is it really him?”

Surprise guest of the sixth episode of the programFamous Island. Director Roberto Sensi attended someone very special during Monday night’s live broadcast of the Ilary Blasey. It was just a small shot that was enough to send social networks into a frenzy.

Isola, live May 22: Nikita Bellizzone and Aldo Montano arrive. A quick teleplay between Christopher Leoni and Gian Maria Sainato

Isola, Alessandra de Gallis now attacks Helena Prestes: “I won’t talk to her anymore”. What happened at night

Isola, an enraged Alvin yells “enough” against Ilari. And she answered: “In life sometimes you are gnomes, and other birds.”

what a surprise

Entry from Ilari Blassie’s Femme Vatel during the live coverage of the famous Al Jazeera on Monday, May 22nd. Wrapping the presenter in a tight black Catwoman-style suit, he charmed the audience, who, however, were shocked by something that never happened.

The director framed his son in the audience: Christian Totti. The eldest appeared at Totti’s house in his first official television appearance, along with his young girlfriend, Melissa Monte. Both of them are seventeen years old, they shared their ‘Vacation in Milan’ photos on social networks.

A few seconds of footage was enough to unleash social networks, who instantly recognized Christian and his girlfriend

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