His replacement at Cook40 is a great comeback

His replacement at Cook40 is a great comeback

Rai decided to “cancel” Alessandro Greco and replace him with an old captain: that is

Rai grapples with a real revolution in programming. Because of that, there will be big changes starting in September. In terms of grids, the shifts began with Rai 3 and the resignations of Fabio Fazio and Lucia Annunziata respectively from Che Tempo Che Fa and Mezz’Ora in Più. After that, it moved to Rai 1, where Flavio Insinna was not reappointed at the helm of L’Eredità (which would instead end up in the hands of Pino Insegno from January).

Rai 1 Serena Bortone will also be replaced. Instead of his talk show Today Is Another Day, we’ll see “A Good Time” starring Katrina Palivo. This morning, then, the confirmation came from Daniela Ferola and Massimiliano Ossini at the helm of UnoMattina together, starting at 8:30. On Rai 2 there have been many changes. For example, Pino Insegno will appear in the daily tape from Peak Access from September to December with 60 episodes of Mercante in Fiera. On the other hand, Tiberio Temperi is upgraded in the morning with your facts. But who will replace Alessandro Greco on Saturday morning?

Ray, replaced by Alessandro Greco: Former Ray face for years between Discovery and Realtime

Alessandro Greco has been a radio and television presenter for a long time, but he never managed to make that “jump” that would allow him to reach the first state television network. Let’s imagine, then, that he will continue to be active mainly in radio (running for the first time in Italy, RTL 102.5). But who will replace him on Rai 2’s Saturday morning run of Cook40?

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Cook40 is a cooking show, but you don’t need to be an expert in that sector to direct it. You forgot Anna Moroni, Elisa Izuardi or Benedetta Rossi: the program will be hosted again by a man who moved from Mediaset to Rai via Discovery and Real Time: Flavio Montrucchio.

A Big Brother contestant in 2001, this is exactly how his TV adventure began. Such and which Show is another program that saw him as the undisputed protagonist between 2012 and 2013, while Montrucchio had his first hosting experience thanks to Zecchino d’oro in 2015. In Rai, he didn’t have much space so the different Real Time formats they arrived Like Primo Date or Bake Off Italia and Junior Bake Off Italia. Finally, on Discovery + and Real Time he hosted his first cruise date. Now we can’t wait to see him back on Rai with a new challenge, and we’re sure he’ll win brilliantly thanks to his talent and ability to adapt to all situations.

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