Health | Nephrolithiasis or kidney stones

Health |  Nephrolithiasis or kidney stones

Eva Remolina/Friend

the kidney stonesalso known as nephrolithiasis or kidney stones, are small masses consisting of Minerals and salts What is this Develop Inside the kidney or other parts of Urinary Tract These stones can cause significant discomfort and affect kidney function.

The main reasons include:

– Lack of hydration

A lack of water can lead to the concentration of substances in the urine, making it easier for stones to form.

– Follow a diet rich in salts and proteins

Excessive consumption of sodium, calcium, and proteins, especially red meat, can contribute to stone formation.


Some people have a genetic predisposition to developing kidney stones.

– Recurrent urinary tract infections

Infection can promote stone formation.

– Other medical conditions

Diseases such as gout or other metabolic disorders can increase the risk of developing stones. Symptoms of kidney stones can vary, but often include:

– Sharp pain

Severe pain in the lower back or side, which may extend to the abdomen or thigh.

– Bloody urine

The presence of blood in the urine.

– Vomiting and nausea

It is often accompanied by severe pain.

– Painful urination

Feeling pain or discomfort when urinating.


For existing kidney stones, treatment can vary from observation to medical or surgical procedures, depending on the size and location of the stone. Some options include:

– Shock wave therapy

Shock waves divide calculations into smaller parts.

– Lithotripsy with ureteroscopy

A thin tube is inserted into the urethra to remove or break up the stones.

– Surgery

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In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to remove the stones.

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