“He was killed during the quarantine of his companions.”

“He was killed during the quarantine of his companions.”

In the name of ‘Zero Covid’ policy, local governments are eradicating pets to prevent them from transmitting infection to humans. information, among other thingsAnd Free from any scientific evidence As well as supporting the entire medical community and the World Health Organization.

There are also films documenting the horrific murders of painters, Like the one posted by a resident of Shangrao, in Jiangxi Province, on the social network Weibo: Two men are seen entering the house in formal clothes and one of them appears to have a “crowbar in his hand”, probably the same person who used to break into the house. Small dog presses against the wall, seeking shelter under a table. But the man hits him on the head.

The woman accused health workers of beating her dog to death while she was quarantined in a pet-free hotel. And the local authorities did not deny anything: They apologized for not communicating with the dog’s owner and said the worker in question had been fired because he said the dog had been treated in a “harmless” way.

But this does not appear to be an isolated story. Even the newspaper South China Morning Newspaper Telling about dogs and cats killed by health authorities without permission, dozens of citizens have begun to sign online petitions asking local governments for more humane and well-defined policies, and above all, claiming to keep pets with them during quarantine.

But the local authorities have no intention of changing their strategy: There is no treatment available for animals, so euthanasia is the only option: “If the animal tests positive, it can’t go back.”

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