He wanted to apply already in ’92

He wanted to apply already in ’92

Milan, June 17, 2023 – Un New party Moderate because “Job Christian democracy A bulwark against communism has been exhausted.” A new liberal party “will present Silvio Berlusconi as a candidate.” But almost two years before the party’s famous speech Go down to the fieldon the date January 26, 1994. to expect a birth Come on, Italystill unnamed, as of October 12, 1992, classified file of US Department of State. In a few lines of a storySecret dinner In a hotel in Rome With leading businessmen, prominent politicians and journalist presenting a new role for the king of private television. All in a short telegram signed by then-Ambassador Peter Secchia, chosen by him George Bush Senior in 1989 and remained in office until 1993, when Bill Clinton entered the White House.

Silvio Berlusconi with Bettino Craxi (AG Aldo Liverani SAS)

Silvio Berlusconi with Bettino Craxi (AG Aldo Liverani SAS)

dark period for Italy. Investigation Clean hands Which started in February 1992 is expanding. The elections witnessed an explosion of consensus in the north on league to Umberto Bossi, which further eroded the Christian Democrats’ base. However, the Socialists stagnated at the polls Craxi He has not yet received the first guarantee notice from the Milanese pool, which will only be delivered at lunchtime on December 15th. But the chase continues. And it won’t stop. the Mafia massacres in Kapaci And Via Damelio They forced Parliament to choose Oscar Luigi Scalfaro as successor to Francesco Cossiga in the Quirinal, after an exhausting battle between them Giulio Andreotti And Arnaldo Forlani saddled with poor electoral results. A wobbly man sits in Palazzo Chigi Julian Amatowhich Scalfaro preferred to the already degraded Psi leader.

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there Economic crisis And the tension clearly conveys the feeling that the season is over. The US Embassy and Consulates in Milan and Naples keep their ears perked up. They listen in, and try to guess the point of the asteroid fall that precipitates the mass extinction of the parties out of the war. And Cycia listens to important sources. One in particular, “A Well-Connected Contact,” explains the telegram sent to Washington, which “requested not to be identified,” sets off on a lucid and matter-of-fact analysis. “Small political groups are afraid of disappearing, and the separatists in the League are growing and completing the dramatic picture – the ambassador explained – our source says that the economy is not working and the lira is under attack.” The end of the world is upon us. “And the solution is not in sight. The Socialist Secretary is under scrutiny and is looking for a scapegoat.” And here Secchia understands that American diplomacy has gone wrong, into a trap. in this days Antonio Di Pietro Meet with USIS personnel, the US Information Service, the diplomatic branch of intelligence. “Contrary to our advice,” Secchia writes, “Di Pietro made the invitation public. Perhaps this encouraged Craxi to say that hidden forces were working against him.” Secchia does not deny the meeting, which is not the first. Already in November 1991, the then Consul in Milan, Peter Semler, met with the Prosecutor General, with whom he spoke about the possible arrests of DC and PSI leaders. But the problem facing the US Embassy is not whether the old political class should disappear, given that in 1984 a CIA dossier – now declassified – with informed electoral and economic analyses” was announced. The end of the era of Christian Democrats.

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the problem In October 1992 what should be replaced by those who have ensured the balance of the Atlantic for forty years. The solution comes. “Renato AltissimoSecchia notes – the secretary of the Italian Liberal Party – organized a dinner on October 12th for Create a party Later, but this year, just in time to deal with the various reform referenda proposed by former President Kossiga.” Grand Hotel (In Via Veneto, ed.). The media mogul was also on the set BerlusconiMondadori, also publisher cosiga. The participants will ask him to form the new party. The other participants, – adds the diplomat, – were the oilman Gian Marco MorattiJohn industrialist Rossini and La Stampa correspondent Paul GuzzantiWho will confirm the circumstances and not the date in 2012 also speaks of the presence Gianni Agnelli, but not mentioned by the United States. But the confirmation of Cavaliere’s entry into the field is: “Belli will join the group – he continues – and Berlusconi will present himself as a candidate. A new meeting will take place on November 4.” The bomb has been dropped. Secchia tries to sum it up.

“Old The parties, he comments, grope for a way to impede the efforts of those who aspire to power. New party hope is Stop the race not only for Bussy and Signy (Mario, who looked with the electoral reforms battle for the future of the moderate region in 1992, ed.), but also from the party’s internal rivals. poundLike the Minister of Justice Claudius Martelli“, who appeared at the time to be the natural successor to Craxi, is shielded from investigations. The ambassador thinks of the Socialist Secretary and his closeness to Berlusconi when he assumes his “blessing for the process”, which nevertheless testifies to his “decline as a sharp national leader”, frustrated and cynical analysis, the same one that The Americans kept it for Silvio Berlusconi in 2009 when the then prime minister was bumped into the face by statuette that he launched Massimo Tartaglia. was a note Sydney BlumenthalSyed, diplomatic adviser to Hillary Clinton and Secretary of State Barack Obama, signed the admission that “it is not possible that the president does not call Berlusconi to express his solidarity.” But “in speaking and above all with the ambassador’s remarks, it is necessary to state that it is not permissible to exploit an individual incident to increase tension.” Blumenthal then pasted two articles from the Britons into the email independent on hypotheses K’s connections with the mafia. Silvio’s friends yes, but from a distance.

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