United States and politics without abolition

United States and politics without abolition


Senator Mitt Romney, born in 1947, says the United States needs leaders of a new generation. He is one year younger than Donald Trump. After 25 years of honorable service to the institutions, Romney (the anti-Trump Republican, winner of the 2012 primary and then honorably defeated by Barack Obama in the presidential election) will leave the mansion at the end of his term, which ends in 2025. Space Serves for Youth . But the new leaders, as the senator explains, certainly cannot be Trump or Joe Biden, who are unable to confront American challenges: from climate change to the relationship with China. Romney never liked Trump, even voting to impeach the former president twice. But that certainly does not make it a democracy. Romney is a staunch conservative and a seasoned supporter of the Republican Party, the grand old party that no longer exists. Today, Republicans are in effect completely subservient to Trump. The age question Romney asked is not a precise breakdown for the United States, a country where the median age will reach a record 38.9 years in 2022 (in 2000 the median age was 35 and in 1980 it was 30). The problem is that there are no “hangers” in sight, and the fact that Biden, an octogenarian, and Trump, approaching eighty, are about to challenge each other for leadership of the United States highlights more than one problem. And also for the American Democratic Party. An article in The Washington Post, a progressive newspaper, flatly says that Biden should not run again in the 2024 presidential election (and his running mate, Kamala Harris, less so). In short, the bet of 2019 should not be repeated, when the current president announced his candidacy for the 2020 elections, in which he defeated Donald Trump. The Washington Post wrote that Biden was the right man to return the United States to its “normal order” after the Trump administration. But things have changed now. First of all, Biden will be 82 years old at the start of his second term, and according to a recent AP/National Research Center poll, 77% of voters (69% of Democratic voters) think he is too old for another 4 years. In the White House. The numbers are eye-catching, meaning Americans are thinking about it and talking about it over dinner, and it’s not just fodder for Fox.

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The Washington Post says that Biden is someone who cannot say no. Among other things, he couldn’t say no to Harris, whose approval rating now stands at 39.5 percent, and who is a friend of his late son Beau. “Biden has another chance to say no, this time to himself,” WAPO wrote. He should give up running for the White House. And also because now there’s also the matter of his other son, Hunter, who has just been indicted. So far, there have been no other vocal positions from the left towards Biden. Because, yes, there is an age problem in the United States, but there is also a ruling class problem. If there is no alternative to Trump, who leads Ron DeSantis by 40 points in the opinion polls, what is the Democrats’ alternative to Joe Biden? In short, Mitt Romney is asking his older colleagues to stand aside, but he is also asking younger people to step into the political arena. Who handles the appeal?

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