He is now more exposed to Leishmania mosquitoes and ticks

He is now more exposed to Leishmania mosquitoes and ticks

With arrival Different temperatures It is necessary to be very careful against Insects that usually attack our pets, especially in dogs. Any insect that can bite a human (bees, wasps, spiders, mosquitoes…), can also bite a dog, but the difference is that There are insects that can transmit diseases Which is very harmful to your health, as it is Bite of a female sand fly Who transports the damned Leishmaniasis. When night temperatures reach 12 degrees, the danger increases and our dogs are more at risk of being bitten, because Sand flies are active nowIt poses a danger to our pets. If it is not properly protected. Use a Beautiful necklace You can protect it for months, but if you’re already wearing it, you need to make sureThe repellent collar has not expired And that during the most active months of sand flies (spring and summer), our dogs have this protective barrier against mosquitoes that transmit the disease. In endemic areas, such as in Catalonia, strict precautions must be taken and dogs are advised to wear it all year round. These repellent collars, depending on the brand, also protect dogs from other insects, such as ticks and fleas, which are also more prevalent this time of year. Collars can be combined with anti-flea or tick absorbents for increased protection.

The dreaded leishmaniasis

Leishmaniasis was considered AIDS in dogs a few years agoIn practice, a death sentence is imposed on the animal that has the misfortune of contracting this disease, which is caused by a parasite of the Leishmania genus, which is transmitted through the bite of a female sand fly mosquito, which is considered a carrier of the parasite and feeds on the blood of a dog of any breed. in this time, Thanks to early diagnosisThe presence of vaccines and preventive medications Greater effectiveness of treatmentsIndex Survival has improved a lot. But the symptoms of the disease Injuries, general disorders and their effects, They are factors that can affect the lives of our dogs, shortening their life expectancy. Symptoms are very diverse, from skin lesions (alopecia and peeling, ulcers), nodules, thinning and weight loss, listlessness, fever, muscle atrophy, anemia, loss of appetite, bleeding, kidney disorders, digestive lesions, eye lesions, and liver disorders. And other clinical pictures.

Treatment of leishmaniasis depends on many factors It is a disease that currently has no cure But current medications allow this Corona disease and improve the quality of life of infected dogs. The fact that the disease is detected in a timely manner and the affected dog is subjected to appropriate treatment, as well as the response of each dog’s immune system, can be fundamental when responding to the disease.

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The only thing we can do to reduce risks – they cannot be completely eliminated – It is to protect our animals with repellent collars (If there is no bite, there is no transmission of the disease) and performance Serological test to detect whether there is an infection And be able to detect the disease early. If the dog is infected, the goal of the treatments is to control the amount of parasites in the animal’s body and treat the symptoms that may appear.

There is a specific vaccine Against this disease to prepare the dog’s immune system against possible infection. When we have it Certainty that our dog is not a carrier of leishmaniasisWhen we can vaccinate him. The vaccine is one of the elements that can prevent the development of the disease and the appearance of clinical symptoms, but the vaccine can only be given to dogs that have previously been tested and tested negative.

Ticks, there are more and more

Protect yourself Against ticks is also a must year round, with collars, pipettes or oral antiparasitics, but at this time they are more active, and veterinarians warn that there are more and more. Ticks cause mild local injury when they bite, but their real danger lies in transmitting the diseases they can cause. In the transmission of infectious agents While feeding on the blood of the animal or person it bites. Diseases such as button fever, Lyme disease, encephalitis, babesiosis, tularemia or Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever are some of the diseases that can be transmitted through a tick bite. This mite, what’s there One thousand species have been described worldwideIt is an external parasite in some mammals, birds, and reptiles, whether wild or domestic. They are found mainly in places where there is vegetation, in forests, and grassy areas in urban areas. In general, where we find the presence of pets. Since they cannot fly or jump, they usually enter by climbing up the legs of animals and settling in areas such as the ears, eyes, neck, or between the toes.

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They should be removed as soon as possible. Because the longer they are in the host, the more they are absorbed and the more options we have to transmit certain diseases. The best way to remove them is with the help of tweezers (There are some cheap special ones), or use some treatments like chamomile infusion (they don’t like the smell), or with citrus juice like orange, lemon, apple cider vinegar, or olive oil, which acts as a repellent and helps the ticks get out.

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