Have you ever seen the son of Clyde Kadio? Father revealed his serious illness

Have you ever seen the son of Clyde Kadio?  Father revealed his serious illness

Klady judge She is a well-known personality in the entertainment world as a very famous dancer, famous for her participation in the program friends by Maria de Filippi. In addition to his career, we know that the artist is also a very affectionate father.

Clyde Kadio and Leah

with his wife Charlotte Lazzari The man raised a beautiful family. The couple’s eldest daughter has been called ya And she was born in 2016. In 2021, her brother pursued the little girl Jibril, which there has been a lot of talk about in the past few hours. The reason is that his father decided to reveal everything to the fans and the public Illness which the little one suffers from.

Gabriel’s disease

Clady opened as a duo Instagram share He said he and his wife, Charlotte Lazzari, had long wanted to talk about the illness of their young child, Gabriel. So he started talking, conveying the facts from the beginning:

13 days after birth, Gabriel showed a fever and severe convulsions, an expression of a rather complicated diagnosis: meningoencephalitis.

This diagnosis of the family was the beginning of a Golgothawhich puts the whole family in it hard test. After that, the child, who was as stubborn as few others survived, and from the moment he opened his eyes he fought himself to stay alive.

After more than a month and a half of hospitalization in intensive care and many examinations, we returned home, realizing that the path to recovery would be long and arduous.

Charlotte Lazzari and Clyde Kadi

Then, in this post, which we invite you to read in full, the dancer also reports about them sensationsThe the reason Who found himself that day wanting to tell his whole story:

When things like this happen, they hit rock bottom and it can be hard to find the strength to come back to the surface. The difference can be made by the people you choose on your side and the professionals who depend on your child’s development.

a hard fight And the complicated The Kadiu family, but the parents and little Gabriel are definitely doing a job Work like giants.

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