Govit-19: There are 75 new cases and no additional deaths in Quebec

Govit-19: There are 75 new cases and no additional deaths in Quebec

Quebec reports 75 COVID cases and no deaths, with a total of 376,044 infected and 11,231 dying since the outbreak began.

• read more – Covid-19: Trudeau says there is no compulsory vaccine in sight

• read more – Vaccine: Quebec’s new advertising attack on the 2nd dose

At the last assessment, 54 infections were reported in the province, with no deaths.

Situation in Quebec on July 14, 2021

  • 376,044 people affected (+75)
  • 11,231 deaths (-)
  • 79 hospitalized (-6)
  • 25 people in intensive care (-)
  • The total number of samples taken was 16,530 out of 10,965,181
  • 92,825 doses administered are added, meaning 91,241 in the last 24 hours for a total of 9,648,811 doses received in Quebec
  • Outside Quebec, a total of 29,110 sizes were delivered for a total of 9,677,921.


There are 8334 cases in Quebec, according to the latest figures from INSPQ.

Case report by region

  • Pass-Saint-Laurent: 3968 (-)
  • Sagune – Lock-Saint-Jean: 11,024 (+1)
  • Capital-National: 32,823 (+1)
  • Morrissey-at-Center-to-Quebec: 15,214 (-)
  • Est: 14 917 (+2)
  • Montreal: 133 232 (+32)
  • Outside: 12,572 (-)
  • ABDB-Demiscamming: 1146 (-)
  • North Coast: 578 (-)
  • Nord-to-Quebec: 109 (-)
  • Caspe – Magdalen Islands: 2065 (-)
  • Sadier-Appalachians: 19,290 (+1)
  • Laval: 31 796 (+15)
  • Lanadier: 24 100 (+4)
  • Laurentites: 21 031 (+3)
  • Montreux: 51 519 (+12)
  • Nunavic: 47 (-)
  • Terrace-Chris-de-la-By-James: 119 (-)
  • Outside Quebec: 490 (+4)
  • Area to be determined: 4 (-)

Total: 375,969 confirmed cases

Regional death report

  • Pass-Saint-Laurent: 53
  • Sagune – Lock-Saint-Jean: 271
  • Capitol-National: 1117
  • Mauritius-at-Center-to-Quebec: 526
  • Estree: 352
  • Montreal: 4769
  • Outdoors: 215
  • APTP-Demiscamming: 9
  • North Coast: 4
  • Northern Quebec: 0
  • Caspian – Magdalen Islands: 46
  • Sadier-Appalachians: 368
  • Laval: 914
  • Lanadier: 517
  • Laurentites: 510
  • Montreux: 1557
  • Nunavic: 0
  • Terrace-Chris-de-la-by-James: 3
  • Outside Quebec: 0
  • Area to be determined: 0
See also  Queen Elizabeth and the USA

Total: 11,231 deaths

See also

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