Gigi Di Alessio Background: He must change his girlfriend because …

Gigi Di Alessio Background: He must change his girlfriend because …

Gigi D’Alessio, after the end of his love affair with Anna Tatangelo, finds happiness with the young Denise Esposito, who has already made him a father. As revealed during “Live Summer”, there is an intriguing background about the relationship between the singer and the new partner: Someone advised him to …

Nearly two years to formalize one love story Which has already led to the birth Son. We’re talking about the singer Gigi D’Alessio And his new partner Denis Espositowho actually made him a father at the age of 29. According to rumors, the two had met in Capri, after prom, in the summer of 2020, but they would have chosen to keep their relationship maximum secret.

for this reason First picture together Arrived a few days ago, a shot showing them kissing in the moonlight. A true dedication to the love that the singer wanted to do for so long, just waiting for a will Denis EspositoAs revealed in the summer live…

Gigi Di Alessio: Advice from a friend

Gigi D Alessio Denis Esposito

during the ‘Summer Livedirector of Novella 2000 Roberto Alessi Told some background about the love story between Gigi D’Alessio And the Denis Esposito. According to the journalist, the singer did not have any kind of problem formalizing, even publicly, his singer Relationship with the He is 29 years old, Much more than reluctance to appear in the newspapers.

Read also: Gigi D’Alessio: A Little Fossil in Anna Tatangelo?

here because of Roberto Alessi, Jokingly, he revealed that he gave special advice to Gigi D’AlessioAnd advise him to make a change:

He was looking forward to it. Denis Esposito, on the other hand, hates appearing in newspapers. So I told Gigi: “Change girlfriend!”.

In short, an entertaining tip that will also appeal to all journalists and gossipers. There is, too Pregnancy From Denis Esposito Revealed by some random photos taken by the paparazzi and as always the curiosity is cool! will succeed Gigi D’Alessio To convince his girlfriend to start a little more life in the spotlight?

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