Garcia Naples No Divorce | Gazeta

No deal with Antonio: “I will stay still and enjoy my family.” The president announces to the big names that we are moving forward with Rudy. From today he will be in Castel Volturno to support the team

Much ado about nothing. Or rather, back to the starting point. No transformation, no revolution in Naples: Napoli is moving forward with Rudi Garcia, despite the vote of no confidence received publicly on Tuesday morning. Aurelio De Laurentiis tried in every way to convince Antonio Conte to accept the new position as coach of Napoli: yesterday the president and the coach spoke several times, and tried to think about the possibility of finding a solution that satisfies all parties. But in the end, the knot was not untied, and Conte did not feel like taking charge, and everyone continued with their initial idea: De Laurentiis decided to give Garcia one last chance, to take charge of the team and prove his worth to the team. Club and fan demands; Conte will continue to enjoy his family as he would have liked and as he also admitted on Tuesday evening at the celebration of Agnelli’s centenary at the helm of Juventus. The rejection was not due to an economic problem or a technical factor. The real enemy was timing: the idea of ​​entering the race never appealed to Conte, who had loved the composition of his team since his retirement. But the temptation in Naples was strong.

Antonio’s number

It was the former coach who announced the end of the (secret) negotiations with a story on social media. The most direct way to silence all the rumors that linked him to the blue seat for days, until he updated it so as not to leave room for further possible interpretations: “I hear pressing transfer rumors linking me to important seats, but I repeat that at the moment there is only the will to continue sitting and enjoying my family.” Is Everyone happy? But as soon as he received Antonio’s refusal, the president took matters into his own hands, trying in his own way to bring about change in the team, and actually “commissioning” Garcia to work, at least in the near future.

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Presidential turning point

After a busy day, De Laurentiis contacted the Italian dressing room leaders via video call in the late afternoon to formalize the choice to move forward with Garcia. But Al-Fanni’s assertion was only an introduction to the speech. Aurelio asked his players to regroup to help Napoli and Garcia get out of this spiral of negativity. In short, to extend a helping hand to him at this delicate moment. He announced that as of today he is the CEO. Andrea Chiavelli will be present at Castel Volturno for training, to remain close to the team and support the French coach in this new beginning. Virtually, De Laurentiis extended his hand to the coach a day after declaring that it was a “bad moment” with him and that “the only responsibility I have besides choosing the coach is that I did not have the opportunity to get close to him.” mechanism”.

Floor B in ICE BOX

We will see if the presence and presidential support will be enough to correct Napoli’s season, but in the meantime confidence in Garcia remains timely: against Verona, Union Berlin in the Champions League and Milan, De Laurentiis wants to see a glimmer of hope. Old Naples and above all a new soul. If there are positive signs, the president will wait until the next tournament break – mid-November – to make a final assessment and decide whether to restore unconditional confidence in the French coach or change this time already, implementing the changed Plan B for the time being. Remained in the drawer and who expects the arrival of Igor Tudor on the bench of the Italian champions.

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So, for now, follow Garcia, who returned to Napoli yesterday at lunchtime and was regularly on the field for the 5pm training session. Upon his arrival in Capodichino, the French coach met several fans but did not make any statements: he hid behind sunglasses, with a body posture that spoke well of the moment of difficulty. Therefore, as of today, he will find the President at the Sports Center to welcome and support him, just as he did in the two retreats in Dimaro and Castel di Sangro. At that time there were renovations and transport whistles to disperse the troops, today there is a situation that no one likes, and a strange discontent in the city. After the Italian League, Napoli dreamed of an exciting season but found themselves in a nightmare. Garcia has one last chance to try to turn the whistles into applause, otherwise it’s goodbye. And without any other thoughts.

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