Faith, Science and Virtue Meet in the Anagni of the Twelfth Edition of the Bonifacio VIII Prize

Faith, Science and Virtue Meet in the Anagni of the Twelfth Edition of the Bonifacio VIII Prize

Sunday May 7 Anagni was once again the capital of the “Culture of Peace”, thanks to the award ceremony of the International and National Boniface VIII Award, now in its twenty-first edition, which opened last January 22 for the extraordinary presence of His Holiness Theodore II, Orthodox Pope of Rome and Patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt and all Africa .

This release is included in the context of the current school year and Boniface Academy’s 20th Anniversary (2003-2023) initiatives. The undisputed hero of the day was undoubtedly His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Joaquim Tagle, who immediately won everyone’s heart with his tenderness and sympathy. In the first part of the visit to the City of the Popes, in an informal manner, the illustrious guest was able to visit the beauty of Anagni in a calm and above all interested manner, starting with the Cathedral Basilica, the crypt of San Magno. and the sacristy received, thanks to the availability of the parish priest, Don Marcello Coretti, and was accompanied by the Rector, Professor Santi de Angelis, who then brought the well-known Cardinal to Bonifaciana’s representative office to begin the day solemnly and to have a personal dedication in the Honor Roll. Then it was the turn of the Chairman of the Scientific Committee, Monsignor Enrico Dal Covolo, who received his friend the Cardinal and with him the highest exponents of the Academy, went to the Piazza Innocenzo III to arrive and welcome the academics and honorees from their respective offices.

This was then followed by the visit to the papal palace of Bonifacio VIII in the presence of all those accompanying him, including the mayor, Daniele Natalia. The stop on the way to reach the commune is very suggestive, in Piazza Dante to pay homage to Madonna del Buon Consiglio, patroness of the diocese of San Giovanni for a few minutes, on the stage for the mass, which shortly thereafter, the bishop of the diocese, Monsignor Ambrogio Sprivik, was going to celebrate. Tagle, welcomed by the Caracciolini Fathers and the Vicar General of the Order, Father Giampaolo Gasparini, present for the Triumvirate’s preaching, was very pleased with the spontaneous welcome of the faithful and blessed ones present. The procession then resumed to Piazza Cavour, where the mayor deposited a laurel wreath on the “fallen for peace”, with military honors and a picket of Bersaglieri honors for the Italian army with fanfare of the Bersaglieri of Garibaldi’s brigade in Caserta.

Finally, the long-awaited moment, arrival at the Town Hall, where there was the official opening in the Sala della Ragione with the performance of the national hymns of Italy and Europe, performed by the Fanfare of the Bersaglieri directed by Maestro Marco Di Lucia, followed by institutional greetings: from the Mayor of the City of Anagni Daniele Natalia , from the Provincial Councilor Riccardo Ambrosetti, from the Chairman of the Scientific Committee Enrico Dal Covolo and from the Rector of the University, Rector of the Bonifaciana Sant’Angeles Academy,

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The interventions in the hall were coordinated by Dr. Paola Zagnoni, who gave the floor to the inaugural address of His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Jochem Tagle, former Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of the Peoples (Propagatory Intentions) now in favor of the oath. For the first evangelization and new private churches of the Dicastery Order of Evangelization and Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical University Urbaniana, Archbishop Emeritus of Manila (Philippines).

This was followed by an award ceremony and a speech by Mr. Denis Niske, member of the Economic and Monetary Problems Committee and the Regional Development Committee. This was followed by a brief but heartfelt speech by the honored guest and friend of Bonifaciana, Luca Spardella, member of the First Committee (Constitutional Affairs, Prime Minister’s Office and Interior) and the Parliamentary Committee for Direction and General Supervision. For radio and television services.

As for the diplomacy sector, the Scientific Committee intends to honor His Excellency Dr. Anacle Bondzinghi, Principal Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Gabon to the Holy See, followed by a brief greeting from Senator Francesco Orraro, Member of the Secular Council. Council of State – Office of the President, among others Academic Senator and Member of the Bonifacian Scientific Committee.

For the institutional sector, the evening was witnessed by two brilliant officers: Brigadier General Mario Ciora, commander of the “Garibaldi” Brigade of Caserta, and Brigadier General Roberto Nardoni, commander of logistical support of the Italian Army, which was then followed by a musical interlude. With fanfare, before honoring Senator Enrico Borghi, member of the Parliamentary Committee for the Security of the Republic.

Finally, for the social and ecclesiastical sector, the Boniface VIII International Award went to His Excellency Monsignor Iring Belyk, Ukrainian by nationality, Eparch Emeritus of Pucak, and current canon of the Pontifical Chapel of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.

This was followed by the five National Awards, intended for the lawyer Silvana Baratore of Messina, for the Navy Lieutenant Antonio Gravina, originally from Taranto, but now always carried to Anagni, for the art critic Professor Alfio Borghese of Frosinone and Professor Ida de Bonis, Ph.D. of Fondi .

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The ceremony concluded with the new appointments of distinguished academics, the post and two members of the Scientific Committee, proposed directly by Monsignor Dal Covolo, in the person of Professor Don Maria Aruquiam Kanaga, Vice-President of “Maria Sidi della Sapienza”. County “Pontifical Salesian University and Dr. Pierre Luigi Villari, well-known author of historical books and employee of the Vatican Mosaic Laboratory.

Among the attendees, it was noted that the Chairman of the Jury of the Bonifacio VIII Prize, Monsignor José Manuel del Rio Carrasco, the Spiritual Assistant Don Edmer Irunga and several delegates or members of the Scientific Committee and academics starting with Lieutenant General Gerardo Vincenzo Restino, Engineer Tonino Severini, Cavalier Domenico Lizzi, Professor Enrico Fancioli, Engineer Luca Cardinale, Cavalier Fabrizio Cacciatori, Professor Cristiana Cardinale, Cavalier Danilo Cacciatori, Accountant Massimo Le Pira, Mr. Fabrizio Savoni, Mrs. Elero Mister Marunora Andrea Monselli, Mr. Pasquale Avellani with his sons Diego and Mattia (whose farm “Marlita Teresa” in Biglio with bottles of Bonifacio VIII for all the guests).

Before the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Accademia Bonifaciana – said Rector Sant de Angeles – and on this solemn anniversary, I asked myself a question and also gave myself an answer. Why do you count the years, what’s the point? Counting the Years and Remembering, Counting the Years and Starting Over, Counting the Years and Giving Thanks, Counting the Years and Discovering That “Providence Does”. In celebration of the twenty years of the Boniface Academy and the 21 years of the Bonifacio VIII Prize, I think of a treasure chest full of precious things: the facts of our history, the inner beauty, the testimonies of people who have passed through our premises for twenty years, or of the places we have visited, the charities that have been Tested, and the beautiful traditions that accompanied and nourished the faith of the people of Bonifaciana, now spread throughout Italy and abroad, are names, faces, sounds, people. People who, unfortunately, are no longer physically with us … and also from those people who have contributed to making our institution part of Providence, small perhaps, certainly not perfect, but still beautiful. The wisdom that should inspire our attitude towards “humanity”, in fact, should take into account the moral and spiritual quality of life in all its phases. What recognition can one get today peace culture ? What culture of peace inspires the protection of human life?

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The task of life is to educate a person, his spiritual and relational qualities, the ability to heal his wounds, and love society. And now it is up to us to continue in accordance with the challenges of these times – continued the rector – with courage and love for our religious beliefs without neglecting dialogue with other religions … to keep the relations with the institutions of the State that gave us Christmas and with our brothers and sisters, especially the most needy, with generosity and creativity, constant In faith like our first recipient: Saint John Paul II, sure that providence never abandons us, as Pope taught us and Boniface VIII testified, whose memories my noble city of Anagny preserves. The goal that we once again set ourselves this year is, of course, the goal that Saint John Paul II directly wished us, in 2003, on the occasion of handing over Bonifacio to your person and that “the Boniface Academy contributes with every useful initiative to build a more just and fraternal world, for the sake of Promoting authentic human and Christian values, and that “Bonifacio” become a sign in the world of a true culture of peace and an irreplaceable and very prestigious moment to promote the land of Ciociaria. “…in a society characterized by individualism and movement “globalization of indifference”, Promoting education on the values ​​of peace and rediscovering the authentic and inalienable value of solidarity and fraternity are signs of a great civilization and necessary conditions for the growth of man and society. Before the right to peace is a political, moral and social value – as stated by the President of the Senate of the Republic Pietro Grasso in his message in 2014 to open that academic year – it is a fundamental moral need of human beings and peoples, it is a universal public good that must be recognized, applied and effectively protected at all levels …”. With these sentiments – concluded Senior Officer de Angelis – I entrust my greetings to the authoritative words of Saint Paul VI: “Peace is not enjoyed. You are made. Peace is not at the level already reached, it is a higher level to which we must always aspire.”

sService and photos courtesy of the Social Communication Office of the Bonifacian Academy

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