Ice cream is… Science: CNR Agri-Food Technologies for Innovation at Mig 2023 | Belonopress

Ice cream is… Science: CNR Agri-Food Technologies for Innovation at Mig 2023 |  Belonopress

Ice cream is… Science: CNR Agri-Food Technologies for Innovation at Mig 2023 |  BelonopressWhen researchers leave the lab and talk about ice cream, great things happen. Mig – the international artisanal ice cream fair, taking place at the Longarone Fiere Dolomiti from November 26 to 29 – opens its doors to science. It hosts a conference organized by CNR on agri-food technologies for innovation. In practice, there is a dialogue between research and companies, with ice cream at the centre. The date is scheduled for next Monday (November 27).

“Mig is not just a meeting between companies in the ice cream supply chain, but aims to be an in-depth platform serving companies,” explains Michele Dal Fara, President of Longarone Fiere Dolomiti. “It is precisely for this reason – pursuing the idea of ​​expanding our view of everything that could be useful for the ice cream supply chain, with a high-level technical and scientific approach – that we decided to host a full day of focus by researchers from the CNR. It’s the first time the National Research Council has left the lab and discussed artisan ice cream. I am sure the result will be excellent. The goal is to spread scientific discussion at the exhibition.”

The entire day of Monday 27 will be organized as a dialogue between researchers and companies. During the morning, researchers from the National Research Council and other research bodies will address emerging agri-food issues with special attention to the health food sector. Domenico Nuzzo (CNR) will talk about functional foods to transport natural molecules, Marco Gianmarco (SINU – Italian Society for Human Nutrition) will talk about the topic of health on the plate, Aldo Todaro (University of Palermo) will talk about technologies and innovations while Alessandro Tonacci (researcher at the National Research Center ) to the topic of ice cream and emotions in sensory analysis. To conclude the morning, Technology Transfer to CNR, with Barbara Angelini (CNR Promotional Technology).

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In the second section, in the afternoon, corporate certificates, best practices for cooperation between the public and private sectors, and financing opportunities will be presented. We will talk about modifying biomolecules from agri-food waste for functional applications, protein production in plant systems and other technical aspects. It is clearly related to ice cream and the food sector.

Ice cream in catering

In addition to science, there is also space for catering. And to the ice cream dish pairs. In fact, Monday the 27th will be Gianfranco Visani Day. The chef, a well-known face on television, will be the witness to talk about the role of ice cream in haute cuisine, which is no longer a dessert, but a real dish that accompanies the first course, second course and side dishes.

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