Faith and science are pillars of each other for a more humane world

Faith and science are pillars of each other for a more humane world

Three interventions were welcomed by the pope’s visit to the Catholic University of Pázmány Péter, the last date of Francis’ trip to Hungary. The university’s international cooperation with Syria is confirmed by scholarships for young Christians in the Middle East

Francesca Sabatinelli – Vatican

Faith and science are born allies to build human civilization as well as to understand the complexities of the world, the work of God. The three speeches that welcomed the Pope to his meeting with the university and the cultural world, at the Catholic University of Pázmány Péter, emphasized the importance of the role of science in church life as well as in social life. “In every real world – were the words of Rector Monsignor Geza Kominetz – there is something of writer, priest, prophet and mystic. True faith and true knowledge therefore arise as pillars of each other. Science must therefore be understood, but also “to build a humane and supportive civilization, culture and sustainable environment”.

cooperation with Syria

Biology, entrusted with the task of studying the “divine plan of the world”, explained Dorotea Kocsis, a doctoral student at the Faculty of Information Technology and Biological Sciences, because thanks to the discovery of small details one is immersed “in complexity”. From the work of God.” Finally, Balaz Major, associate professor at the Institute of Archeology at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, spoke about the importance of promoting dialogue and coexistence between religions and civilizations, and described the important form of international cooperation that the university carries out with countries. The Middle East, which is concerned with forming students from The region, supported by the Hungarian government through scholarships for young Christians. An example of this is cooperation with Syria. “As Catholic Christians – explained the teacher – we must never forget our neighbors and Christian brothers and sisters in difficulty and our obligation to stand by them.”

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