Big Brother, shocking confession at home: “I love Signorini”

Big Brother, shocking confession at home: “I love Signorini”
Paolo Bonolis's previous Big Brother movie

Former Big Brother – Paolo Bonolis –

The former Givina reveals something that no one expected, she will be alongside Paolo Bonolis, and this is who she is and where we will see her.

Many characters have entered the Big Brother house in recent years and become known for their personalities. “Big Brother” has been on the air for more than 20 years, and sometimes they tried to change it radically, without achieving certain results. But this year is the big brother of changes.

Even the head of Mediaset, Bersilvio Berlusconi, intervened in the program, because he aspired to a more realistic programme, not to mention his penchant for mere discussion. That’s why he decided to exclude influential people, not the real VIPs, but also the commentators guilty of creating so much confusion in the program, in their place is Cesara Bonamisi. There is a lot of criticism I have received of the journalist who remains steadfast in her role.

Until the last edition we talked about big brother vip, Inside the house only more or less famous people decided to participate. But as of this year, the GF door has opened again for regular people as well. But let’s focus on figures from the past for a moment. There’s a former competitor who has sparked a lot of talk about her, because of the way she acts, and because she’s so honest and now she’s revealing where we’ll see her next.

Paolo Bonolis and former Givina at his court

The personality we are talking about is very well known, especially his social media accounts. A model, artist and influencer who sparked a lot of talk during her stay in the Big Brother house due to her personality and acting style.

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The previous Jivina we are talking about here is Solly Sorg, who, as a guest on SDL TV, reveals his commitment to the upcoming work, only after he discussed with Sonia LorenzenI’m about what Sonia’s new love story is supposed to be, the one with… Giacomo Giorgio actor Marie Fauré.

Soleil Sorge -

Soleil Sorge – Source: Web search

A new TV experience for Soleil Sorge

Solei Sorge can already boast a series of participations in various TV shows. Sometimes it was the real parsley of Italian television, present in all the important living rooms. He is often a guest on talk shows, but is also chosen as a commentator.

Always advertise SDL, Gabrieli Barbelia Programme, Soleil revealed that she will be present in the next edition of Ciao Darwin, the show by Paolo Bonolis who is about to return to television. “It will be a lot of fun with a different role, and lots of laughs“.

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