Biden invites Meloni to the White House: Relations between the United States and Italy are strengthened

Biden invites Meloni to the White House: Relations between the United States and Italy are strengthened

First the news of a telephone conversation between Joe Biden And Georgia Meloni. Then invite the Italian Prime Minister to the White House. The outlines are blurred and no details are given, except that the voyage must take place in a month July. In any case, it is certain that Meloni will soon fly to the United States, as a guest of the American President, to strengthen the ties between Italy and the United States and to deal with the most burning files. The same in which Rome can make a decisive contribution to the cause sought by the Western bloc.

Biden invites Meloni to Washington

In a note tracing the salient stages of the phone call between the two political leaders, the White House He explained that Biden invited Meloni to come to Washington in July. For the rest, it was determined that the US President and the Italian Prime Minister also talked about the situation in Russiaas part of Washington’s efforts to ensure proper coordination with allies — particularly in light of tensions in Moscow — and a note on joint and “Unwavering supportfor the Ukrainian issue.

Meloni and BidenAlso coordinated on the preparationNeighbor NATO summitOn July 11 and 12, which will have to decide on the possible renewal of the Norwegian Jens Stoltenberg at the helm of the Atlantic organization, they also talked about the situation in North AfricaThe White House memorandum concluded.

telephone interview

Based on reports from Chigi Palacewith a reconstruction almost identical to the American one, Biden asked the Italian prime minister the scenario of Italy’s commitment in Mediterranean seaAs well as on cooperation with the European Union for stability in Africa. The topic is particularly relevant. And not only because of the immigration file, but also and above all because of the situation within several African countries, where Moscow, through Wagner GroupEven the outbreak of internal crisis can boast of an existence rooted in comparisons.

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In a word, one of the main topics of a telephone conversation could be the crisis in Russia. Therefore, it is no coincidence that Washington is trying to take advantage of all partners, especially European partners, including Italy, to balance Sino-Russian progress on the African continent.

Relations between Italy and the United States

Meloni and Biden, once again according to the message released by Palazzo Chigi, finally reaffirmed the deep ties between them United States of America And ItalyAnd the strength of the transatlantic alliance and the unity of NATO, and those topics will be discussed at the Vilnius summit scheduled for next July.

On the links between Italy and the USA, Independence Day, and American Independence Day It was celebrated at Villa Taverna under the banner of the very close friendship and cooperation between Italy and the United States, to which the US Chargé d’Affaires indicated on several occasions, Sean CrowleyWho will open the event, in the presence of about 3,000 guests, is required Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Anthony Tajani On the stage where, after performing hymns, he stressed the level of relations between Rome and Washington.

Crowley said he was proud to play his acting role in this historical period“Then he stirred up the friendship and all-round cooperation between Italy and the United States.”Which enhances security“To Citizens on Both Sides of the Atlantic, recalling Secretary Tajani’s recent visit to Washington, where he and Secretary of State Antony Blinken emphasized the following.”The United States and Italy will continue to support efforts to ensure a just and lasting peace in Ukraine, in accordance with the United Nations Charter“.

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