Because he wasn’t going well between jury scratch and the coolness of TV-

Because he wasn’t going well between jury scratch and the coolness of TV-
from Andrea LaFranci

The ability to involve the artists weighs heavily in the analysis of voices and the couple has been blamed for the separate situation

Things did not go well in Italy, It was official for Mahmoud and Blanco or the disguised one Achille Lauro Compete for San Marino. Lauro did not reach the semi-finals By Eurovision, 14th out of 17: Went poorly with both juries (13, only 12 points from Belgium, crumbs from Romania, Poland and Finland) and 12th in TV without certain tops.

The winning couple at the Sanremo Festival Failed to make stent And to repeat the Italian success of Menskin in the last version. We are not here to win. In 2019, I took second place and thanks to this experience I made my first European tour, Mahmoud remembers these days. Nevertheless, bookmakers gave them among the favourites: in the first weeks of approaching Right behind Ukrainea little bit” on the decline in recent days.

at General classification set themselves in sixth place
. An inaccurate interpretation of the final did not affect the jury’s vote. The experts meet and vote during the dress rehearsal the day before. Italy had 12 points, the maximum, only from Albania and Slovenia. We put Montenegro, Spain, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Estonia and Armenia in second place. Chills are not really popular in Germany, Portugal, Serbia and Francemay still be poisoned by last year’s defeat, when They also tried to exclude Minskin – It also appears to be of direct interest to President Macron, the historic host of the French Economic and Social Council admitted to the BBC – accusing Damiano David, lead singer of the band, who snorted live cocaine: them Zero Point. Not gratifying, but the French still arrived penultimately.

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The artists’ ability to be involved greatly affects Esc and the couple has been reprimanded A separate position and the absence of Blanco to one of the rehearsals. The fatigue—which the two admitted—may have dampened enthusiasm and the ability to draw in the press and delegations from other countries, but it often happened, ironically, that the hosts did not drift into the bubble. And indeed, for years the local representation has not reached that far.

also TV broadcast was cold. L ‘Ukraine He was unbeatable: he won in 27 countries. Italia Didn’t get 12 points, 10 arrived from Switzerland and Malta and 8 from Albania, the countries where our music and television reach most easily. For the rest of the points here and there.

May 15, 2022 (change on May 15, 2022 | 17:24)

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