Apply to men and women today, December 1, 2022: Federico prefers Alice to the outdoors, the latest news from the throne

Apply to men and women today, December 1, 2022: Federico prefers Alice to the outdoors, the latest news from the throne

Men and women will reveal that Federico Nicotera’s life will be filled with celebrations and struggles after making an important decision. In fact, this week the man decided to spend only one hour with Alice from the television studio of Maria de Felipe. The couple were in the center of attention when Maria De Filippi’s current talk show tronista took to the streets to make some important and impactful statements.

In short, the tronista’s externalization would suggest that he abandons a young man ever declining in agreement with the young man, so much so that the final choice may fall upon her. There will be no shortage of expressions in the studio: Carola will be angry with tronista in this afternoon’s episode, in response she will complain about the “treatment” she has received in recent weeks, given that Federico prefers outside interactions with Alice, also revealed this week’s pick . When Alice is confronted with Carola’s excessive meddling, she will have no problem venting and pointing fingers at her rival, accusing her of spoiling a good moment that developed between her and Federico.

Armando Incarnato’s life hasn’t been going well since his telenovela Men and Women debuted on December 1st. On that day, we see that his week-long search with Christina ends in success and that he rejects Antonella, his new salon lady. However, several previews in next week’s episodes of Men and Women show how his love life will once again be tarnished by bad luck. As already mentioned, he is especially charmed by Antonella, a new lady in the salon to the throne. He is attracted to her, but at the same time he is drawn to her erratic behaviour.

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Men and women, here’s when and where to watch a replay

Those who missed the episode and were unable to catch the live stream today, November 16, 2022, can find a live replay of all the episodes online at or also at Alternatively, it is possible to review episodes on La5 the following day at three different times:

  • at 12.45;
  • at 19.45;
  • At 11:30 p.m.

Samuela Cargnani is going to become a father

Handsome Samuele Carniani is living his dream: love with ironic ex Roberta Giusti is blossoming, his career is taking off and, as seen on social media, the families of the two lovebirds have met and thrown a big party for their “tenth month of engagement” anniversary.

Everything would have seemed perfect, were it not for the veil of gloom that clouds the eyes of the personal trainer from Arezzo when he thinks of the kilometers that separate him from Roterta. “The hardest moment is when I go to bed, because we’ve lived together for six months, so we’ve created a good habit for both of us.” She took up books again and returned to live in Rome to study. A well managed distance that does not prevent this couple from making plans for the future.:. “I want a child of twenty-seven years old. I love Garlic who plays soccer! ».

How are you, Samuel, what is he doing in this period of his life? «I work like crazy, fortunately! I got my start as a personal trainer and it’s going really well, and I’m very happy with it even if I regret starting saying “no” to people because I don’t have space. At the moment I am alone, but my future goal is to open my own gym in a few years.”

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Roberta told us about how you manage distance in everyday life, but what are the moments when you miss your partner the most? «Because of my very fast pace, I occupy my mind during the day, but in the evening, I confess, it is not so easy to do! She gets off work between seven and eight o’clock in the evening, and from there she starts to feel a little nostalgic: free her head from thoughts, tell me the day is over and I think if Raperta supports that it will be even better.

The most difficult moment is when I go to bed, because we have lived together for six months, so each of us had a good habit. Despite work and university, we see each other a lot and try to spend as much time together as possible, but every time I am alone, the first few days are difficult.” Roberta told us she was close to her through a difficult time.

Was there a moment when Roberta’s presence mattered? “As soon as I got out of the program, I found myself practically with nothing in my hands. It’s true, I’m fortunate enough to own a family business, but I felt like the road just wasn’t for me.

I am convinced that each of us should live according to our own inclinations, and this does not necessarily mean following in the footsteps of others. I fully understood this desire not to work in my parents’ company after my four months at Men and Women. Roberta was essential to getting my thoughts in order and getting me to focus on achieving my dream. I always wanted to go in for sports, but I was very afraid … ».

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