Aigua de Benassal and Aigua de Fuensanta have established a strategic alliance to maintain production

Aigua de Benassal and Aigua de Fuensanta have established a strategic alliance to maintain production

The press release we reproduce below.

The historic waters of the Font en Destrals River, known for its balanced chemical composition and internationally awarded for its many virtues, were declared a public good by Royal Order in 1928 as a medicinal mineral. Pinsal became the water that doctors like Dr. Boigvertintended for kidney disease and health in general.

It should be noted that AIGUA DE BENASSAL is the only company in the Valencia region that produces natural crystal mineral water, which gives it a competitive advantage in a market that aspires to sustainability for the environment, assuming conservation policies.

Currently, the spring has seen a decrease in its flow thanks to the serious water crisis we are experiencing, which is why we are forced to look for options that guarantee the continuity of the company and avoid serious consequences.

It was decided to establish a strategic alliance with Aigua de Fuensantaour new strategic partner, is an organization with which we share values ​​and quality standards, as well as a similar chemical composition to its medicinal mineral waters.

Fuensanta It will package products in 1.5 litre, 500 ml and 330 ml PET formats, until the climate situation is reversed.

All types of glass packaging will continue to be produced from the Font en Destrals fountain.

This new project aims to continue the business activity and not leave the market out of stock, making it easier for our customers not to suffer any harm due to this new situation.

It should be noted that Aigua de Benassal has a wide range of complementary products that expand the current product catalog such as the distribution of wines from the Carril Creuat (DO) winery Manchuela), beer Montcatel Made from Aigua Benassal, came the prestigious single Saltimbanqui (DO Roda). champagne Frenchman Roger Constant Mayor.

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