A kick to science stereotypes in “pink” sauce Successful Women: Examples to Follow

A kick to science stereotypes in “pink” sauce Successful Women: Examples to Follow

Just concluded the first course “Girls code it better” in the province of Massa Carrara at the Don Lorenzo Milani High School in Massa; Gcib is a laboratory created in collaboration with the Officina Futuro W-group Foundation to bring girls closer to the world of Steam disciplines (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics); Among the main reasons for the disparities that exist in the educational choices of girls and boys are gender biases and stereotypes that are rooted in the supposedly different attitudes of women and men. Under the guidance of teaching instructors Silvia Nicoli and Silvia Tucci, with the support of teacher Carolina Boselli, 15 students of Don Milani followed a 45-hour digital training, from November to April, in a girls-only learning environment, thus initiating processes for personal growth and dismantling of gender stereotypes. The meetings were also an opportunity to exchange female role models for women working in the disciplines.

Guests were Ilaria Tonazzini, neuroscientist Nest Pisa, Caterina Rocchi, archaeologist at Sanctuary Ritrovato, Vanessa Balloni, director Patrizia Pepe, Francesca Perani, architect, activist and founder of Rebelarchitette, Lisa Vassalle, graphic designer Alle Studio, Simona Minozzi, anthropologist Unipi, Elena Maggie, Ecologist at UNEP, Giulia Lucerini, Business Analyst, Project Mate. MappaAbility is a project of the Don Milani Club, a digital survey on the accessibility of the neighborhood around the institute; The girls discussed the overall theme “The school is on its grounds”.

With the devices and tools at their disposal, they begin to develop a method for analyzing their institution and the relationship with the surrounding space: Don Lorenzo Milani High School forms a garrison within its neighborhood, has a large garden, and is very close to welcomes many afternoon activities that keep it lit until late at night . Then the students analyzed the building and the park to understand if they were truly accessible.

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They set to work and the presence of a girl with a physical disability, among the participants, gave them a certain identification: they drew up an analysis sheet of important issues and suggestions, made inspections of various sites in the area and the school, and reported their survey in the thematic digital map of architectural barriers on Google My Maps. Finally, to go from virtual to real, the girls, at SketchUp for Schools, created a 3D-printable, 3D-printable Neighborhood model designed to hold QR Codes for assignments.

The Don Melanie School Experience has been configured as a pilot project, an investigative and nurturing good practice that can be shared by institutions and students from their region, environment and territory.

Girls who participated: Yasmina Carina Biel 2G, Emma Conforti 1G, Chiara Galloni 2B, Ines Gazzarini 3C, Alice Zanetti 1F, Carlotta Ciccarelli 1A, Gia Micol Gabrieli 2C, Jennifer Giannone 2B, Giorgia Palmas 2A, Sarah Bennani 2B , Michele Luisi 2D, Sonia Beratini 1A, Azzurra Guadagnocchi 2A, Valeria Panesi 2D.

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