X Factor 2023 Semi-Final: 6th Live Stream

The sixth live broadcast of X Factor 2023 (private) was The last hurdle before the final. The seven contestants competed in one first round Accompanied by 22-piece orchestrawho saw Astromare like He was eliminated for the first time. In the second round the performance of the remaining six competitors was For the first time live with their unreleased songs: Maria Tomba with a fanaerobatic pilots with Emma StuntAngelica with winterusual dude with only youSeptember with tears And Sarafin with Sick of joy. the Stunt pilots, Sarafin And Maria Tomba They flew straight away the lastwhile Angelica She was the second one eliminated. After the final vote among his colleagues September And The usual dandythe first He left the race While the latter won the title Fourth qualifier. Super host It was evening whateverWho presented the latest album Souvenirs.\n\n

The judges accompanied the artists to the semi-finals Fedez, Amber Angiolini And D’Argin D’Amico Accompanied by the landlady Francesca Michelin


The appointment with XF2023 is every Thursday at 9.15pm On Sky One And Streaming on nowalways available on demand and visible on Sky Go.

“”postId”:”45793de2-ba00-4e65-85a8-10a43b7f285d”}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T23:08:33.959Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-12-01T00:08:33+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”IL TERZO ELIMINATO E IL QUARTO FINALISTA”,”content”:”

Dargen deve eliminare uno dei due concorrenti della sua squadra e vota SETTEMBRE. Anche Ambra e Fedez confermato il voto, e il concorrente è eliminato. Il quarto finalista è Il Solito Dandy!

“,”postId”:”2b89a95e-938e-4cf2-b768-f3861611694c”},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:57:08.845Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:57:08+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”IL BALLOTTAGGIO”,”content”:”

Il Solito Dandy porta al ballottaggio 1950 di Amedeo Minghi. Contro di lui il compagno di squadra, SETTEMBRE, con Stavo pensando a te di Fabri Fibra

“,”postId”:”e7bfe9c0-070c-4431-9a7e-9fdfa2dde745″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:52:46.997Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:52:46+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”LA SECONDA ELIMINATA”,”content”:”

Lascia invece X Factor Angelica, mentre SETTEMBRE va al ballottaggio con Il Solito Dandy

“,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:”https://twitter.com/XFactor_Italia/status/1730358889676263621″,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”642fd1dd-3184-45e2-9655-82ea3179f98d”},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:51:04.730Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:51:04+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”IL PRIMO CONCORRENTE AL BALLOTTAGGIO”,”content”:”

Il Solito Dandy è il primo concorrente al ballottaggio

“,”postId”:”729c2d73-0c21-439f-898a-30123e620765″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:50:31.947Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:50:31+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”LA TERZA FINALISTA”,”content”:”

Anche Maria Tomba raggiunge la finale: entrambe le ragazze della squadra di Fedez continuano la gara

“,”postId”:”b5ffc127-5424-4da4-be23-b0b7bb8bb703″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:49:48.523Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:49:48+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”LA SECONDA FINALISTA”,”content”:”

Anche SARAFINE vola in finale!

“,”postId”:”6494eb52-51b5-47f6-9a8c-ef0cc80fa65a”},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:48:41.044Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:48:41+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”I PRIMI FINALISTI”,”content”:”

I primi finalisti di X Factor 2023 sono gli Stunt Pilots!

“,”postId”:”b96ad000-f408-469a-b440-665bb386feb7″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:43:28.221Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:43:28+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”L’INEDITO DI SETTEMBRE”,”content”:”

SETTEMBRE canta l’inedito Lacrime, che per Fedez è \”al posto giusto nel momento giusto\”. IL VIDEO

“,”social”:{“socialType”:”instagram”,”src”:”https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0SZhzOIJUW/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading”,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”b3167a10-d17f-4ecf-8bbb-7ca0338fa60a”},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:36:00.543Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:36:00+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”L’INEDITO DI SARAFINE”,”content”:”

SARAFINE conquista tutti con l’inedito Malati di gioia. \”Sara è una moltitudine, è sacro, è profano, e il brano è un piacere per gli occhi e per le orecchie\” commenta Fedez. IL VIDEO

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“,”social”:{“socialType”:”instagram”,”src”:”https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0SYwJPoDUC/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading”,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”1a8c27b2-32f4-45af-aea6-0a5545a385c6″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:31:46.386Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:31:46+0100″,”video”:{“videoId”:”883265″,”videoPageUrl”:”https://video.sky.it/xfactor/puntate/video/astromare-eliminato-x-factor-2023-video-883265″},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”FUORI GLI ASTROMARE, IL VIDEO”,”content”:”

Il momento dell’eliminazione degli Astromare, i primi concorrenti fuori dalla finalissima

“,”postId”:”47072500-b1be-4f90-bbb8-982b28127ffd”},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:28:39.720Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:28:39+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”L’INEDITO DE IL SOLITO DANDY”,”content”:”

Il Solito Dandy con l’inedito Solo tu ha sciolto Fedez, che ormai lo considera un amico. IL VIDEO

“,”social”:{“socialType”:”instagram”,”src”:”https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0SX4Y7o_2F/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading”,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”52d2543e-57cb-4669-8177-927f590cca7f”},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:27:25.840Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:27:25+0100″,”video”:{“videoId”:”883282″,”videoPageUrl”:”https://video.sky.it/xfactor/puntate/video/nuova-giuria-tavolo-semifinale-x-factor-2023-video-883282″},”altBackground”:true,”title”:”NON CI RESTA CHE IL CRIMINE, LA SERIE TV”,”content”:”

Marco Giallini, Massimiliano BrunoMarco Tognazzi e Giampaolo Morelli a X Factor presentano la seriet tv Non ci resta che il crimine. IL VIDEO

“,”postId”:”7506005e-d59c-443b-aecb-446dba4748ae”},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:12:24.108Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:12:24+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”L’INEDITO DI ANGELICA”,”content”:”

È il turno di Angelica con l’inedito L’inverno. \”Sono onorata di sentirti cantare\” commenta Ambra. IL VIDEO

“,”social”:{“socialType”:”instagram”,”src”:”https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0SWQE_oXIi/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading”,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”0e2eab68-8403-4edb-ae4c-8932dc3a5af2″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T22:06:31.521Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T23:06:31+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”L’INEDITO DEGLI STUNT PILOTS”,”content”:”

Gli Stunt Pilots esplodono nell’inedito Imma Stunt. In Farina Fedez rivede Travis Barker dei Blink 182. IL VIDEO

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L’esibizione di Emma ha conquistato il pubblico! IL VIDEO

“,”postId”:”601c344b-6ab5-4467-8925-1c7a005f4e71″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T21:59:38.695Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T22:59:38+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”L’INEDITO DI MARIA TOMBA”,”content”:”

Maria Tomba debutta sul palco con l’inedito Crush. \”È la musica che conta\” commenta Dargen, che insieme agli altri giudici apprezza il brano della concorrente. IL VIDEO

“,”social”:{“socialType”:”instagram”,”src”:”https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0SUlwtomPJ/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading”,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”5f6bb361-c4e2-4bea-9af2-304069634136″},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T21:51:33.450Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T22:51:33+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”LA PRIMA ELIMINAZIONE”,”content”:”

Dopo la prima manche, gli Astromare non proseguono la gara. L’ARTICOLO

“,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:”https://twitter.com/XFactor_Italia/status/1730342437237739752″,”cookieAllowed”:true},”postId”:”1d554022-563d-4c45-a219-88618fa3c36f”},{“timestamp”:”2023-11-30T21:37:27.339Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2023-11-30T22:37:27+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”title”:”L’ESIBIZIONE DI EMMA”,”content”:”

Emma lascia il tavolo dei giudici e si esibisce con la consueta carica nei brani dell’ultimo album Souvenir, incluso il singolo Amore cane con Lazza. \”È il disco che mi ha fatto alzare dal letto\” spiega la cantante, ora in tour nei club

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SETTEMBRE si cimenta in Bohemian Rhapsody dei Queen. Ambra riconosce \”la sincerità\” del ragazzo e la sua capacità di accettare la sfida. Secondo Fedez il concorrente è invece rimasto \”ad osservare l’ostacolo\”. Dargen invece difende il membro della sua squadra, che ha eseguito un canto difficilissimo e che in ogni caso \”canta\”. Emma sostiene che \”poteva cadere nel cliché, e invece è rimasto in un mood tutto suo\”

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Un’inedita Maria Tomba canta Always di Bon Jovi e alla fine dell’esibizione si commuove mentre dedica la canzone al papà. I giudici apprezzano ed Emma trova l’esibizione \”impeccabile\”

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semi final

The sixth live broadcast of X Factor 2023 (private) was The last hurdle before the final. The seven contestants competed in one first round Accompanied by 22-piece orchestrawho saw Astromare like He was eliminated for the first time. In the second round the performance of the remaining six competitors was For the first time live with their unreleased songs: Maria Tomba with a fanaerobatic pilots with Emma StuntAngelica with winterusual dude with only youSeptember with tears And Sarafin with Sick of joy. the Stunt pilots, Sarafin And Maria Tomba They flew straight away the lastwhile Angelica She was the second one eliminated. After the final vote among his colleagues September And The usual dandythe first He left the race While the latter won the title Fourth qualifier. Super host It was evening whateverWho presented the latest album Souvenirs.

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The judges accompanied the artists to the semi-finals Fedez, Amber Angiolini And D’Argin D’Amico Accompanied by the landlady Francesca Michelin

The appointment with XF2023 is every Thursday at 9.15pm On Sky One And Streaming on nowalways available on demand and visible on Sky Go.

He lives

Third Eliminator and Final Four

Dargin He must eliminate one of the competitors on his team and vote September. also Amber And Fedez The vote is confirmed and the challenger is eliminated. Fourth qualifier And The usual dandy!


The usual dandy Leads to a runoff 1950 By Amedeo Mengi. His colleague is against him Septemberwith I was thinking about you By Fabri Vibra

Second judiciary

Leave the X Factor instead Angelicawhile September Go to the polls with The usual dandy

First contender on the ballot

The usual dandy He is the first contender on the ballot

The third final

also Maria Tomba Reach the final: The two girls from Team Fidesz continue the match

Second final

also Sarafin Fly to the final!

The first finalists

The first finalists for X Factor 2023 are Stunt pilots!

Unpublished September

September Sing the unreleased song tearsin order to Fedez He is “in the right place at the right time.” video

Out of astronomy, video

The moment Astromare eliminated the first competitor from the final

Unless it is released from the usual DANDY

The usual dandy With unpublished only you It melted Fedezwhom he now considers a friend. video

All we have to do is crime, the TV series

Marco Giellini, Massimiliano Bruno, Marco Tognazzi And Giampaolo Morelli On X Factor they present the TV series All we have left is crime. video

ANGELIC’s unreleased play

It’s a role Angelica With unpublished winter. “It’s an honor to hear you sing,” she commented. Amber. video

The amazing unreleased pilots

the Stunt pilots They explode in unreleased Emma Stunt. In flour Fedez Travis Barker from Blink 182 revisits. video

Emma is explosive

The performance of the whatever Beat the audience! video

Unprecedented Maria Tomba

Maria Tomba He made his on-stage debut with the unreleased song a fan. “It’s the music that’s important,” he comments. Darginwho along with the other judges appreciates the competitor’s song. video

First exclusion

After the first round, Astromare They don’t continue the race. Article

Emma’s performance

whatever He leaves the judges’ table and performs songs from his latest album with his usual energy Souvenirsincluding single Dog love With laza. “This is the record that got me out of bed,” explains the singer, who is now on a club tour.

It is the competitor’s final turn

September He tries his hand bohemian rhapsody By the queen. Amber He recognizes the boy’s “honesty” and his ability to accept a challenge. second Fedez Instead the competitor remained “watching the obstacle.” Dargin Instead he defends his team member who performed a very difficult song and who “sings” anyway. whatever He claims that he “could have fallen into cliché, but instead he remained in his own mood.”

Maryam’s tomb is unexplored

An unprecedented one Maria Tomba He sings always By Bon Jovi, and at the end of the performance he was moved when he dedicated the song to his father. Judges appreciate Ed whatever Finds performance “flawless”

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