“You didn’t understand anything, you should be ashamed. Apologize to Ilona.

“You didn’t understand anything, you should be ashamed.  Apologize to Ilona.

Isola 2022, Vladimir Luxoria is angry with Rodriguez: “You didn’t understand anything, you should be ashamed. Apologize to Ilona.. Hunger begins in Honduras, and it takes very little for the outcasts to shoot. during the Live broadcast of the sixth episode Columnist attacked father and son in defense of Ilona Staller.

Read also> Isola 2022, Episode Six

Very difficult battle during Live broadcast of the sixth episode It is the famous island between Gustavo, Jeremias Rodriguez and Vladimir Luxoria. After showing the clip in which Rodriguez’s family attacks Ilona, ​​the columnist enters with a straight leg berating Belen Rodriguez’s relatives.

In particular, in the clip, Gustavo, Belen’s father, is heard telling Ilona that he no longer wants to feed her because he is of no use to the group. A phrase that sends Valdemir Luxoria in a rage: “Gustavo, if you think that only he who does something has a right to eat, you understand nothing. “

Then he turns to Jeremias: «You should apologize to Ilona, ​​you should be ashamed of treating such a person! You put your son in the middle.” But Jeremias denies everything: «The problems with Ilona began after the nomination, Ilona insulted me and you did not play this role, I did not talk about her son, I do not even know him. I don’t like that they don’t show that he insulted me. I would like Ilona to tell the truth.”

Ilona: “I was upset, they don’t know it, but I don’t throw myself in front of the camera like they do. Roger and I fished and brought cacti, but he didn’t care. I don’t go on dangerous rocks”

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Last update: Thursday, April 7, 2022 at 22:34

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