World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day

The number of cancer cases that will be diagnosed in our country during the year 2024 will reach 286,664, which represents a slight increase of 2.6% compared to 2023. This is the estimate of the report “Cancer Figures in Spain 2024”, issued by SEOM and REDECAN on the occasion of World Cancer Day in Celebrated on February 4th. A time to evaluate and update data, emphasize the hope that comes from progress in research, and review outstanding topics and future challenges.

In the same context, the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) has confirmed its priorities for 2024. Among them are continuing to promote research, enhancing the quality of care, and working towards equal access to all “the therapeutic arsenal, including innovative medicines and treatments.” State-of-the-art precision medicine treatments for all patients throughout the national territory and advancing multidisciplinary humanitarian assistance, with due attention to emotional care.

Another area where it is important to continue progressing is the implementation of new offerings. Among the six most common types of cancer, currently in Spain, there are two types of recommended screening: breast cancer in women aged 50 to 69 years through mammograms every two years, and colorectal cancer, through detection of occult blood in Stool in people between the ages of 50 and 69 years. 50 and 69 years old. The importance of “screening” lies in the fact that it allows cancer to be detected before the patient can become aware of the symptoms. This makes it possible to improve survival rates. For this reason, the pending topic that is already being worked on is raising awareness about regular skin and urinary tract examinations and the possibility of implementing two additional examinations: lung cancer and prostate cancer.

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Specialists from the various Quirónsalud Group centers help us obtain more information about the most common types of cancer in Spain, their risk factors, prevention measures and the latest developments in their treatment.

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