WhatsApp changes messages: new format

WhatsApp changes messages: new format

With the new update already available for Android and iOS, WhatsApp introduces an important innovation that is frequently requested by millions of users: the Text formattingThat is, the possibility of introducing a new graphic appearance to the words you type thanks to symbols and numbers as well. “New text formatting options have been added for quotes, bulleted and numbered lists, and inline code“, we read about the last released version. Now let's see in more detail what it is and how it works.

Why them?

We remind you that functions related to formatting were already available: from bold to italic, from strikethrough to monospace by inserting either an asterisk or dashes from time to time to give a different graphic appearance to the text you want to write. The first novelty, as we mentioned, concerns quotation marks It is useful when the user wants to make a quote and stand out in long messages: for this you will need to write a greater than symbol (>) before the text and a space.

As for Bulleted listsOn the other hand, they are useful for dividing information on different topics which, for example, might include a shopping list or simply things to do during the day. “To add a bulleted list to your message, add an asterisk, dash, and space before each word or phrase.” The developers explain on the appropriate page to divide WhatsApp is for FAQ (Questions and Answers).

the Numbered lists, on the other hand, are similar to the dotted ones but this time there are numbers: very useful if you have to prioritize a particular thing that will be marked with the number one and so on. “To add a numbered list to your message, add a number, a period, and a space before each line of text. Like this: “1.text”, “2.text” and so on.

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The last and fourth option introduced with this update which is part of text formatting is the so-called Embedded code, an exact translation of “inline code”: This new option can be particularly useful for programmers but also if you want to underline some key paragraphs in text, such as when reading a book or newspaper. “To add an underline symbol to your message, place a grave accent on both sides of the message, The developers explain that this is “text.”

“Communicate more effectively”

WhatsApp team lets you know about the new formats “It will help save time and help people communicate more effectively with their messages, especially in group chats“.

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