“Wandering on Maps”, two weeks of action between science and art in Lazio

“Wandering on Maps”, two weeks of action between science and art in Lazio

A multi-year and interdisciplinary approach, between science, art, the multiplicity of senses and the socialization of experiences, which combines, simplifies and disseminates scientific culture. Find out, know, do.

After he looked (the first year) and found out (the second year), he finally acts, and continues, since. The third year of the event focuses on doing what needs to be done. Which means to engage, to do, to act, to live according to what has been discovered and known: respect, a method consisting of obedience, accommodation, discipline, order, cleanliness, even love, but also creativity, invention, cooperation. It is always a protection, a guardianship, a defense, as a legacy, a testimony handed over, an obligation imposed, and assistance received and then given to the new generations. An infinite human sequence.

The work is also understood as innovation, reuse and recycling: this is the year dedicated to exploring the sustainable use of natural resources, the year to “experiment” with environmental practices and to reflect on new and potential lifestyles. But also to discover the “work” of researchers and scientific-technological research innovations in areas ranging from waste management processes to new forms of energy, from environmental technologies and precision agriculture to the latest frontiers of knowledge regarding the relationship between nutrition and health.

In our “Wayfarer on Maps” calendar and program, you’ll find musical weeds and a Rock’n’roll Moon, acoustic goggles and art tracks, fluid walking and an event so surprisingly nicknamed “Psychology,” volcanic treks and plastic conferences, praise for composting and building Theater books and theater books.

The event is a science and art excursion, a three-year mapping of the area that sampled and identified animal presence in natural environments, cataloged and recorded sounds while creating a competition for musical compositions. The results of this research will be shown under review on May 14, at 12, with the exhibition “DI TUTTA L’ERBA. Herbs, cyanotypes, sounds, natural boxes.” It is an artistic and scientific proposal, experimental and standard, on purpose, to build a three-dimensional herbarium with scientific tables, artistic celestial patterns, stuffed insects, drawings of small animals and ecological records.

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All that has to be said is Lake Martignano and Rigo Park in the municipality of XV in Rome, the capital. In addition to listening to an experimental electro-acoustic composition competition winner’s composition, starting with the use of sound samples recorded in Rigo Park and around Lake Martino. The exhibition, created with a contribution from the Bracciano-Martignano Regional Natural Park, remains open until May 29 with visits every Saturday and Sunday.

Among the musical events, Sunday, May 15, at 9 pm, in Piazza Casal of the Agricultural University of Sisano, in the presence of the full moon, the conference presented “Rock around the Moon”, a scientific journey, music and literature with the voice of Raffaella Misti; Saturday, May 21, at 7 pm, in the church of San Giovanni Battista in Cesano, the concert “CRISTALLOFONIA” for spectacles was held – pieces by Bach, Beethoven and other musicians played by eclectic Robert Tissot.

Saturday May 28 at 5 pm, in Parco del Rego, “Natural Archeology”, the Art and Nature Trail of Fernanda Besolano, with dancers and performers: a traveling event that combines art, dance and performance in close contact with the forms, colors and sounds of nature.

Among the workshops, “Sunday for Science” is a celebration of the natural sciences in collaboration with the Resina Museum System (15 scientific and natural museums of the Lazio region), in particular with the Museo del Fiore, the Natural Museum of the Prenestini Mountains and with the Adolfo Klitsche De La Grange Civic Museum in Allumiere, Which offers experiments, games and scientific publication.

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Other workshops for children and youth in “SCIENZA IN SPALLA” (a trip with an expert) and “SCIENZIATO A WHO” (Scientific Conferences on Landscapes) in collaboration with Liceo Biagio Pascal; “DIARI VERDI” (workshops for building board games, touch card games, theater and inspired by literature, selection of texts for children to talk about separate collection, waste and environmental awareness) in collaboration with the Inclusive La Giustiniana Institute.

Project collaboration: Katrina AcampuraSocial media; Anna Paula BakalovChoreographer and dancer; Annalisa Baldimusician, or instrumental; David BarronThe electronic music and rhythm industry student. Shin Barbu money vertical companyjoker; Giada Bassettigraphics; Eduardo Maria BellucciComposer and musician. Alessandra Casalan actress Alessandra SecaNature painter. Corrado FantoniComposer and musician. Annamaria Federicicomposer; Irene Maria GiorgiA dancer and choreographer. Pier Francesco GiordanoI’m photographing Marco Guidivideo; Lorenza Merzagorabiologist, museologist, and Resina Museum System Coordinator; Raffaella Micatesinger David Monachia vocal musician, vocal artist and composer; Maria Morehartcultural factor Fabio Seasonesiphysicist, president of the Italian Compost Production Association; Eva Pacioliperformer Marco BastonisiSports writer and journalist. Fernanda Besolanoartist and cultural worker; Umberto Besolanogeologist, naturalist and expert in scientific teaching; Aurora PicaA dancer and choreographer. Ettore Perozziastrophysicist Oliviero Pinerolo de SeptesSocial media ; Daniela Riccidancer Bayard studio, Imaging Lab Ian Suttonperformer Robert Tissota musician or instrumentalist; Stefano ValentiA biologist and an expert in science education.

in partnership with Bracciano Martinano Regional Natural Park; Sisano Agricultural University. Science Education, College of Biology, Tor Vergata; city ​​hall fifteenth; Resin Museum System (Scientific and Natural Museums of the Lazio Region); the Museum of Flowers; the Museum of Nature in Monte Principe; Civic Museum Adolfo K. De La Grange, Alumiere; Common Lands Road Association; Diocese of San Giovanni Battista of Sisano in Rome; Technological and Technological Institute / Scientific High School and Biagio Pasca Secondary Humanitiesfor Labarro’s Comprehensive La Giustiniana Institute; Cooperatives Il Betilo, The Thousand and One Nights.

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with care For the Electro-acoustic Music Competition, Italian Representative of the European Community, SIMC (Italian Society of Contemporary Music) and FKL (Forum fürKlanglandschaft – Acoustic Landscape Forum).

Press Office Marco Bastonisi Tel: 335 5967 700

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a program: https://associazioneticonzero.it/il-viandante-sulle-mappe-2/eureka-roma-2020-2021-2022/

Posted on Friday May 13, 2022 @ 09:30:00 © Reproduction reserved

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