“Songs of Hope,” one of the most symbolic performances Voices of the Children's Choir Friends of the Granullars Unioncan already be found as of Friday in CD format, under the direction of Josep Vila i Jover and recorded by Enric Giné.
This new record comes from a demo released in 2012 under the title “Sounds” and re-released in 2018 under the name “Somgs of Hope”, which has now been transferred to CD. With this performance, the choir opened a new way of understanding choral singing.
The CD's musical content is organized around different works by both Catalan composers and those from all over the world, born between the 19th and 20th centuries, which form a collection with all possible colors and textures. The result is a sensory experience that exceeds any expectations. The disc includes songs such as “Suite catalana” by Josep María Rueira with Julia Carreño as soloist. “El cant dels ocells” by Bernat Vicancos, with Jean Loubet as soloist; “The Nightingale and the Plants,” by Ricardo Lafuente; “Papa Leto” by Christopher Tin, with Anna Ondi as soloist; “Song of Hope” by Susanna Lindmark, or “Ukuthula” by Andre van der Merwe, with Kiani Villar as soloist.
The album was recorded on July 4, 5 and 6 last year at the Teatre Auditori in Granollers. The show, which is still being filmed, has traveled to cities across Catalonia, as well as to several European countries such as France, Germany and Hungary, and to the United States and China.
Specifically, last fall, Vios took “Songs of Hope” on tour to various festivals in the Netherlands. At the end of this season, they also plan to sing the piece at the Jeunes Voix Mélées festival in Thueur.
On the occasion of this latest tour, Fila told EL 9 NOU that although more than 10 years have passed since the show, it is characterized by constant renewal, with new songs added to the repertoire. What remains is the essence of montage, with a clear commitment to setting the ball rolling.
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