Video games selling for 80 euros “will become extinct like the dodos,” according to the CEO of Saber Interactive

Video games selling for 80 euros “will become extinct like the dodos,” according to the CEO of Saber Interactive

According to Matthew Karsh, CEO of Saber Interactive, that is Video games sell for $70 (€80 on our shores) They will disappear from the market in the future, or rather “They'll end up like the dodo.” (Extinct Bird, Editor), to make room for the products that developers will try to make Keep development costs lowThus lowering the final price for the user as well.

In an interview with IGN, Karsh explained that Saber Interactive, which recently spun off from Embracer Group, is in a rare position in the market, halfway between low-budget indie development and what he described as… “middle market”, that is, products with costs far from Triple A and sold at a lower price. The company's president cited Helldivers 2 as a perfect example of a “mid-market” title (it retails for €39.99, editor) that performs “well, very well.”

“I think as the cost of manufacturing toys increases, the $70 toys will go the way of the dodo,” Karsh said. “Simply I don't think it's sustainable…You remember the hype of Cyberpunk, which I think performed reasonably well, but when expectations are so high and so much money is invested in one game, it's a huge risk for the company. What will happen if you fail?

“I think the market will move towards a development that will not necessarily be of lower quality, but will be more focused Looking for ways to cut costs“.

There may be a shortage of content in the future, thanks to several layoffs in the industry

Matthew Karsh, CEO of Saber Interactive
Matthew Karsh, CEO of Saber Interactive

Karsh added that the use of artificial intelligence can help reduce development costs while improving the quality of trilogy games, but in his opinion this will not be enough. In fact, he thinks I amThe AAA development model will undergo major changes And that the trend of productions with stellar budgets and many years of development is not sustainable.

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He also stated that due to the numerous layoffs occurring within the industry, we may see a Lack of content in the market If this actually happens, Saber Interactive will have a chance to gain market share, also thanks to the “middle market” mentioned above.

“I think that In the coming years there will be a real shortage of content “Game,” he says. “I've seen the number of layoffs, I've seen the number of games that have been eliminated. But we have a lot of good projects underway that I'm proud of and feel really confident about.”

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