Victor Martin analitza l’èxit de l’startup Fundcraft, una empresa que té dues seus: a Luxemburg i al centre de Girona, en el capítol número 40 de Girona Valley, el podcast de Diari de Girona i l’agència de comunicació digital La Factoria dedicat a les idees, la innovació, el talent i l’empresa a la demarcació de Girona. Durant la conversa, el cofundador i director de tecnologia de Fundcraft explica els inicis de la jove companyia i la idea inicial desenvolupada amb el CEO, Julien De Mayer, i posteriorment amb l’altra sòcia, Olga Porro, directora de producte. En poc temps, ja han tancat una ronda de finançament de 5 milions d’euros i esperen aconseguir nous reptes similars a curt termini. Fundcraft és una empresa innovadora que es dedica a facilitar un programa digital a grans empresaris i financers perquè puguin efectuar operacions de fons d’inversió.
What we are going through today is one of the most interesting times in the worldBuy a new car. The reasons are two. On the one hand, there are the local incentives that have joined the national subsidies, which are running out pending refinancing, which include many Italian regions (Lombardy and Piedmont), provinces (Trento and […]
Involved tweet Involved Sends December 22 is a date inevitably associated with the lottery. From the first hour, radios and televisions were connected to the Real Madrid Theater, where college students were present San Ildefonso They repeat the phrase “a thousand euros” until suddenly their screams force us to look up and focus our attention […]
The name Ford Capri evokes a historic car and the nostalgic effect is instantly triggered. Unbelievable, but true, the Capri is back in an SUV version. Crazy lovers. No one has forgotten her, she is in our hearts. It is one of the first sports cars Which made us feel like “kings of the road”. […]