Valls will launch a new Vallenque tour system to improve your castle days in Plaça del Blat

Valls will launch a new Vallenque tour system to improve your castle days in Plaça del Blat

The Valls Children’s Committee, composed of representatives of Colla Joves, Old Colla and the Valls City Council, has approved a new system of tours in Valls for the days held at Plaça del Blat, Km0 del món castellar. The new tour format will be applied for the first time at the Festa Major de Sant Joan and will also be used for the rest of the shows at Plaça del Blat de Firagost, National Day and Santa Úrsula. La Nit de Completes will maintain its unique old look where both gangs can build castles at the same time.

The new tour system approved by the bands in the Children’s Waltz Committee provides for the preservation of the three valenki rounds, but with a new internal process for each round with the aim of achieving a new dynamic for the bands, avoiding very long rest periods between special attempts and allowing the perfect tone of the valenki to be optimized. As a result, the day is expected to be more interesting for the audience. An optional fourth round has been added with the new system for gangs that do not complete all three builds with the three main rounds, but note that this fourth round cannot be used if the gang has already achieved all three castles, and in any case, is an improvement round.


The inner workings of each of these rides are modified to make them more dynamic. So far, in one round, the gang could make two attempts and also had the option to ride up to three feet for each of these attempts, meaning up to six possibilities. With the new Valenki round system, each gang will have, in each round, at most three chances to raise their castle, either by feet or attempts, and attempts are limited to two possibilities.

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Collections and case studies vary with the new format. As before, the number of attempts is limited to two in all cases, but now for example, if you tie a three-foot gang and do not build a castle you will also lose the round. Likewise, if he ties two feet and makes a bid, he also loses the round because he will have exhausted the maximum of three possibilities to take down the castle.

The new system also expects gangs to decide to “pass” and take advantage of the optional fourth round to build their castle, but it should always be after a try or a dismounted attempt. On the other hand, if a gang executes all three castles in the three main rounds, they can use the optional round to raise a column higher than five.

The new format of the Castle Days Tours was announced today by the leaders of the Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls group, Francesc Xavier Ramón, and the Colla Vella dels mousey. Also present at the screening were Ian Gallart and Xavier Pons, presidents of La Jouves and La Villa respectively, culture advisor Laia Castells, and representatives of the two Castillera groups in the Valls Youth Committee, Xavier Marimont from Jouves and Xavier. Capri de la Vela.


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