USA, Another Kennedy for the White House: The 2024 Run

USA, Another Kennedy for the White House: The 2024 Run

Robert Kennedy Jr., nephew of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1963, has announced his candidacy for the 2024 US presidential election. Chances of success are limited to his supporters in Boston.

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Robert Jr. is the son of Robert Kennedy, brother of “John F. Kennedy,” the former Democratic Minister of Justice and presidential candidate who was murdered in 1968. He is a lawyer specializing in environmental issues, known since 2005 for spreading conspiracy theories about vaccines, in particular linking autism to one of their articles. Among those present at the rally, in Massachusetts, a Kennedy family fiefdom, many wore anti-vaccine hats. In his speech, Kennedy vowed to “end the divisions” eroding the United States, and finally said “the truth to the American people.” Robert Kennedy Jr. is one of the few candidates to officially present himself in the Democratic field, and he has been frozen in anticipation of President Joe Biden’s decision. At age 80, the current tenant of the White House says he has “intentions” to run for a second term, but has yet to formalize his entry on the campaign trail. And while awaiting the decision, Kennedy returned to office.

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