United States, a court in Louisiana restored the right to abortion

United States, a court in Louisiana restored the right to abortion

The right to abortion is back in effect in Louisiana. Judge Ruben Giarrusso Restraining order, valid until at least July 8 (next session date) v. The ban imposed by Louisiana government And then the legalization by Supreme Court ruling From Friday 24 June. According to Giarroso, the various forms of Louisiana’s ban on abortion, which would only allow it if the mother’s life was threatened, contravene the state’s constitution, as they are – as the prosecution noted – “vague and powerful.” They make it impossible to understand if it came into effect, which ones came into effect, what behaviors were prohibited and what the exceptions were, especially in the case of doctors who perform abortions to save a woman’s life.”

The trial began when the Hope Medical Group for Women of Shreveport, one of three abortion clinics in Louisiana, filed a lawsuit against the state, which was defended by attorneys from the Center for Reproductive Rights. Louisiana already had law ageWhich, however, cannot enter into force before the Supreme Court ruling, as it is unconstitutional. Supreme Court decision on ru vs. valley However, it gave the green light to ban abortion throughout the territory of the federal state, as it also happened in Kentucky And the South Dakota and ten other states. At least for now, when the Giarosso rule came into effect. A similar incident also occurred in Utah: the ban on abortion was outlawed by the court, although the cessation will only continue 14 days.

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