Undeniable flirtations between “peperos” and juntaires. Written by Sergey Sol

Undeniable flirtations between “peperos” and juntaires.  Written by Sergey Sol

What should they talk about in meetings between members and Pepero this summer? Certainly more than we were told. And much more that they both did not want to admit. At least for now. We know that one of the common demands was to recognize Puigdemont as a statesman. One of Waterloo's obsessions. The other, obviously, is that President Puigdemont can return to Catalonia without the threat of arrest and trial. In fact, it was precisely this case that made Waterloo tremble before the stubbornness of the judges in involving them in summaries that they dealt with at their discretion and arbitrariness. Hence, they must vote with the People's Party and Vox against the same amnesty bill which only a few weeks ago they considered unbeatable, since Waterloo, and whose paternity it so proudly claims. An act, a sudden change in standards, which can only be explained by extreme selfishness disguised as generosity and firmness. We continue to intertwine forces, without fads.

Guntiers I Pepero She was searched for after the election. With desperate desire too. The presence of VOX made any kind of shared path unviable in the short term. But despite this, they tried it, investigated each other, and then saved their lives. Feijóo claims respect for Junts. And these, without making a fuss, agree with the devil if necessary “for the sake of Catalonia.” It was always for Catalonia, everything, for the country. Lyrics aside, in more prosaic language: Sow now to reap later. For Catalonia, of course.

At the first change, when his votes were counted, Puigdemont threw himself headlong, gave free rein to everything, and wisely, to shine in all he blasphemed.. Ensuring the future by preserving the past. From his perspective, after six years of comedy, he feels sorry for all those people who blindly believed in lazy slogans, even though they were not confirmed by facts.

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When Figo, in the middle of the Galician campaign, admits to journalists that he wants to pardon Puigdemont, is he trying to make an elaborate bombing, knowing that what they should have dealt with in private might leak out?

What were they talking about, that now Puigdemont – instigated by the judges' position aligned with the People's Party – threatened to reveal the content of what they were talking about? Board members recorded the entire meeting and that's why they're threatening to release the content to the public? It is also possible that the PP recorded it. But it is now clear, in the final phase of the Galician election campaign and with the Basque elections approaching, that it is the PP that has the most to lose.

For this reason, and precisely for this reason, when Figo admits to journalists in the middle of the Galician campaign that he wants to pardon Puigdemont, is he trying to set off an airtight bomb, knowing that what they should have addressed in private could be leaked? It seems entirely reasonable to avoid the loss that would result from knowing this Their incendiary campaign against amnesty is an outburst of frustration that they have sold the skin for the bones (he dog In this case) Before she chases him. Figo is now even sowing doubt on terrorism charges, something some judges are willing to do to evade the amnesty law. One of the Giragons that we will see on the right.

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In any case, it is good for one and the other to clarify the facts and substance of what was said and what they meant. “Everything will be known,” said Puigdemont. “It will be known” – if it will finally be known – thanks to the Congress Party's lack of conscience, the anger and bewilderment of a world that seems to have suddenly discovered that everything is more complicated than it was when they looked at it from the podium and they discredit those who were in the arena and tore Miura apart. .

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