Ukrainians are still ahead: “We are on the border with Russia” – the world

Ukrainians are still ahead: “We are on the border with Russia” – the world

An air alert is underway throughout Ukraine. UNIAN reports that there have been explosions and blackouts in various regions, especially in the east of the country. Nexta also reports on Russian missiles launched from the Black Sea, and also publishes a video. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have arrived at HoptivkaAnd the border crossing on the Ukrainian-Russian border, In the Dergaci district of the Kharkiv region. This was stated by the 130th battalion of the Ukrainian army in a letter published by UNIAN, which states that at the moment there is no confirmation from the General Staff.

Liberation of Ukraine Chkalovsky City (Kharkiv region)

yesterday KobyanskAnd the fryingespecially Ezium, The strategic cities of the Kharkiv region returned to the hands of the Ukrainians. They were motivated by the advance, which the Russians themselves began to admit – however they attributed to a change in their strategy of “reorganizing the forces” towards the supreme goal of capturing Donbass – the Kyiv forces, On the 200th day of the Russian military offensive, pushed back the counterattack in the east and south of the country, restoring the centers in enemy hands for several months. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Valery Zaloghny, announced that Ukraine has recovered more than 3,000 square kilometers of land from Russian forces this month. “Ukrainians are fighting bravely for their future. They are also fighting for our common values. The European Union has been on their side since day one of the Russian war.” The European Commission President wrote in a tweet, Ursula von der Leyen Reaffirm European support for Kiev. “We will help rebuild Ukraine as a free and modern country on its way to the European Union,” he adds. Russian forces bombarded the right bank of Kobyansk in the Kharkiv region, which Kyiv announced yesterday that it had regained control.. This was announced by local city councilor Vadim Krochmal, citing UNIAN. “Kobyansk is divided in half by the Oskil River. Today, on the right bank, where the city center is located, the situation is not easy, but the area is already under complete control.
rolled over by our army. “There was a bombing of anti-aircraft systems,” Krochmal said, explaining that efforts were still being made to clarify the budget for the attack.

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Ukraine, photos of a Russian air strike in the Kharkiv region

Macron calls Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Emmanuel Macron had a phone conversation today. This was announced by the Kremlin, as reported by TASS, stressing that the conversation took place on the initiative of Macron. RIA Novosti added that the two presidents spoke privately about the situation at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant and Putin stressed the “regular attacks by Ukrainians on the plant.” Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a telephone conversation with Frenchman Emmanuel Macron, said today that Kyiv is using “Western weapons against civilian infrastructure in Donbass.” This was reported in the press service of the Kremlin, citing TASS. Ukrainian attacks on the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, “including the storage of radioactive waste”, could have “serious consequences”. Putin called for “pressure on Kyiv to stop the attacks immediately.” French President Emmanuel Macron has asked Putin to withdraw Russian heavy and light weapons from the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. And the Elysee added that Macron “condemned the continuation of Russian military operations in Ukraine and reminded of the need to stop them as soon as possible, start negotiations and restore the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity … Ukraine.” As for the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, about which Macron spoke in the past few hours with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and with the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the French president insisted on “the need to ensure its safety”. Putin reminded “that the Russian occupation is the cause of the dangers affecting the safety of the station today,” and demanded “the Russian forces withdraw their heavy and light weapons following the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency to ensure the safety of the site.” . Macron also spoke with Putin about global food security, reminding that European sanctions do not apply to agricultural products or those indispensable to agriculture. He added – the Elysee continues – that “the shared responsibility of international partners, particularly Russia, is to ensure that the countries most at risk continue to receive the supplies they need.” Macron then asked Putin to “ensure that the agreement that Russia has concluded with Ukraine and Turkey, under the supervision of the United Nations, is implemented in such a way that the exported grain really reaches those who need it most.”

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Russia does not “reject” talks with Ukraine, but there are some “delays that complicate the negotiation process”. Foreign Minister said that Sergey Lavrov Quoted by TASS. In an interview with Russian TV 1, Lavrov reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin He called a meeting with the Duma, the Chamber of Deputies and leaders of the various factions. Lavrov stressed that “the president told the participants that we do not reject negotiations,” but accused the Ukrainians of delaying the negotiation process. Putin said that Kyiv, according to Lavrov’s account, “must understand that the longer the process is delayed, the more difficult it will be to negotiate with us.”

nuclear power station
Meanwhile, the state nuclear energy agency Energoatom announced that The sixth and final reactor of the Zaporizhzhia power plant It no longer produces electricity. “Today, September 11, 2022, at 03:41 (2:41 in Italy), Unit 6 of the ZNPP (Nuclear Power Plant, ed.) “. “I was Backup power line recovery From the Ukrainian nuclear power plant Zaporizhzhia (Znpp), which supplies the plant with external electricity needed for reactor cooling and other safety functions,” the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) wrote in a tweet (Aiea).

The anger of the Chechen Kadyrov
“I, Ramzan Kadyrov, solemnly announce that all these cities (Izyum, Kobyansk and Balaklia) will be restored. Our people are already there, the boys have been trained for this job, and another 10,000 fighters are ready to go. And we will reach Odessa in the future. The Chechen leader said that Ramzan Kadyrovin an audio message on Telegram taken by Meduza, after the liberation of the three Ukrainian cities in eastern Ukraine yesterday by Kyiv forces.

war on earth
“The battles of the positions are underway, with the consequent advance of the troops and the consolidation of the areas – confirms the leadership, referring to yesterday’s advance -. The enemy prefers to fight with artillery, trying to avoid direct contact. The enemy incurs losses and withdraws.” Yesterday, the command added that the Russian forces launched 20 air raids on Ukrainian sites along the line of contact and adjacent areas. In response, the Ukrainian forces bombarded the areas near Nova Kakhovka and Pridnebrovsky with the presence of the greatest of men and weapons, as well as ammunition depots near the city of Kherson. Ukrainian Air Force shot down a Russian fighter-bomber Su-34: The same Air Force Command posted it on social media, according to Ukrinform. In the video posted on social media, the burning wreckage of the plane was seen scattered across a sector of the forest while Ukrainian soldiers were inspecting the scene.

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Russian forces bombarded the right bank of Kobyansk, in the Kharkiv region, which Kyiv announced yesterday that it had regained control. This was announced by local city councilor Vadim Krochmal, citing UNIAN. “Kobyansk is divided in half by the Oskil River. Today, on the right bank, where the city center is, the situation is not easy, but the area is already completely controlled by our army. There was bombing of the resistance-aircraft systems,” Krochmal said, explaining that efforts are still being made. To explain the outcome of the attack.

According to the Russian authorities, “thousands” of people have fled in the past 24 hours to Russia’s Belgorod region from the Kharkiv region, the scene of a counterattack by Kyiv forces in eastern Ukraine. “It was not the easiest night, nor the easiest morning. In the past 24 hours, thousands of people have crossed the border,” said the governor of the Belgorod region, Vyaslav Gladkov, in a video message posted on his Telegram channel.

energy crisis
Russia will not sell gas or oil to countries that impose a price ceiling: the Russian Energy Minister reiterated this, TASS reports.

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