Ukraine-Russia war, humanitarian corridors open from today

Ukraine-Russia war, humanitarian corridors open from today

Ukraine Russia war, humanitarian corridors are open from today. The cease-fire to allow the evacuation of civilians from Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy will begin at 10 am Moscow time (8 am in Italy). This was reported by TASS, the headquarters of interdepartmental coordination of the Russian Federation.

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The news of the humanitarian corridors was reported by the Russian delegation present yesterday in the third round of negotiations, which lasted for three hours. “The Ukrainians have given us assurances, and we hope that the humanitarian corridors will open as of tomorrow (today’s edition),” said the head of the Russian delegation, former Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, expressing disappointment about the progress of the negotiations. “Our expectations were not fulfilled,” he said, according to The Russian delegation presented to the Ukrainians a draft agreement document.

About the “small but positive” steps to improve the logistics of the humanitarian corridors from the besieged cities, Mikhailo Podolak, of the Ukrainian negotiating team, spoke at the end of the third round of talks with the Russian delegation. On the other hand, there is no news regarding the conflict. “On the political level, which includes a ceasefire and a cessation of hostilities in general, intensive consultations are continuing,” he added.

A fourth round of negotiations between Russia and Ukraine will take place “in the very near future,” Leonid Slutsky, the head of the State Duma’s Foreign Affairs Committee, and a member of the Moscow delegation to the negotiations predicted. Speaking on Russian television, he added that the next round will be held again in Belarus. “I still do not say the exact date, which will probably be determined tomorrow (today’s edition),” he limited himself to the selection.

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TASS quoted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov as saying yesterday morning that Russia is ready to stop hostilities “at any moment” if Kyiv respects the conditions set by Moscow. Moscow’s demands are always the same, which Putin reiterated in the phone call with European Council President Charles Michel, regarding the so-called “disarmament and disarmament” of Ukraine, recognition of Russian sovereignty and independence of Crimea. The self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk republics.

The first two rounds of negotiations, also hosted by Belarus, were held on February 28 and March 2. According to reports from TASS, in another statement to Russia 24, Russian negotiator Leonid Slutsky said that “during the second round, the Ukrainian side showed negotiating skills.” “They realize that the lives of the residents are at stake, and this is our shared priority,” he added.


“In the south of the country we saw a bit of ‘Ukrainian’ we’d never seen before. They bumped into an old bakery, a 19th century church. Why?” Human corridors only keep them in the direction of their country for a few dozen people. because? Just to make a scene, to film them with cameras and to tell how they saved the residents. What a mockery.” So said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a new video on social media. I will stay in Kyiv, neither hiding nor afraid, ”he said again: “How much it takes to win this war! “.

The Ukrainian president said that negotiations with Russia will continue until a result is reached in the agreement. “Today (yesterday’s edition) the third round of negotiations took place in Belarus, and I would say the third and final rounds, but let’s be realistic. Therefore, we will talk, and we will insist on negotiations until we find a way to say to our people: “In order to reach peace,” he said. In the video, Zelensky is in his office in Kyiv for the first time since the start of the Russian invasion on February 24. Looking out the window, the Ukrainian president said: “I will stay in Kyiv. in my office. I’m not hiding. I am not afraid of anyone.”

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Phone call from Draghi-Scholz

Last night, the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, had a telephone conversation with the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz, in which he focused on the situation on the ground in Ukraine, the European response in humanitarian terms and sanctions and on the consequences thereof. The energy sector in the current crisis. According to the statement, the two leaders agreed to remain in close contact in the coming days also in view of the informal summit scheduled for Thursday and Friday.

Biden-Macron-Macron-Schulz-Johnson phone call

The leaders of the United States, France, Germany and the United Kingdom reaffirmed their “determination to continue to increase the costs to Russia of its unprovoked and unprovoked invasion of Ukraine”. This is what we read in a memo released by the White House after the phone call between Joe Biden, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Schultz and Boris Johnson. The four leaders also affirmed their “commitment to continue providing economic, humanitarian and security assistance to Ukraine and discussed their talks with the Russian and Ukrainian presidents.”

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