Tribute words from Heidi Bashi – Big Brother 2023

Tribute words from Heidi Bashi – Big Brother 2023

Heidi sends a letter to the House explaining the real reason for her abandonment

There is still a small part missing: what is the truth? Heidi? What are the real reasons for your choice? To make this clear, send a message to your tenants!

The girl explains that she left because she was shaken and doubted. He can’t go into details, but there is a very sensitive family situation that needs to be managed. He understood his father’s gesture: “At that moment, getting out was the only thing to do and my family needed me.” He writes.

It concludes with a special appendix: “Victor And cheerful You are unique, I miss you“.

Alfonso asks Maximilian Why was it not mentioned in the message? The actor believes this is an uncomfortable topic right now. The feeling is strong and has not faded. What happened, in fact, reinforced it.

He immediately said that as soon as he left he would go and get it back. But today he realizes that reality is different and he cannot predict what he will do.

Letizia commented with tears on her friend’s words. He misses Heidi very much, and mentions her all the time.

Vittorio also expresses his opinion. He is a boy who finds it difficult to relate. Seeing Heidi leave was like seeing a part of you leave home.

He intervenes Alex, who has a very clear idea. He hopes that after twenty years, after not seeing him for a month, his daughter will be happy to embrace him again and not be afraid.

It seems that all doubts have been cleared up, and Heidi’s decision is driven by the deep love she feels for her family.

Her absence will be felt, but from the girl’s words it is clear how important it is to support her parents at this time.

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