Towers from 9 to 15 May 2022

Towers from 9 to 15 May 2022

weekly horoscope
Towards the full moon in Scorpio

(May 9-15, 2022)

Greetings to all!
How are you? Here’s your horoscope for the week ahead, a very important week because it features one of the most important changes to this year’s guard: Jupiter passes into Aries! As you well know by now, Jupiter is one of the most important hands of this wonderful astrological clock, every time it changes its position, the scenarios of all the signs of the zodiac change radically. He is talked about in the horoscopes, but it is a transit to which I will devote a lot of thoughts in the coming days because he will accompany us until the end of October, after which he will remain one of the champions of heaven in 2023!

But I just have to let you read your horoscope, and make a sincere wish to all the mothers present in this big family of curious stars! As you can see from the cover, this horoscope is for you. As always, then, I’d like to thank all of you for the love and attention with which you welcome my horoscope week after week! Thanks to you this family has gotten bigger and bigger in over nine years! Thanks always!

Hug and happiness read to all!
with my love,
s *

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