Tomorrow’s Tower May 4, 2022 – Blackbeard

Tomorrow’s Tower May 4, 2022 – Blackbeard

Your horoscope for tomorrow, May 4, 2022: Here’s what to expect black bird And how the positions and movements of the celestial bodies in relation to the Earth affect all signs.

Your horoscope for May 4 tomorrow

Aries. 21/3 – 20/4

Venus in your sign will make your creativity shine through. Above all, those who work in the artistic field or in the entertainment sector will be preferred. Thanks to Saturn, you will remain firmly in command and be able to implement complex programs.

ox. 21/4 – 20/5

Jupiter in Pisces is your partner: you will continue to make wise economic decisions that will pay off immediately and in the future. Mars sextile Uranus will provide you with excellent opportunities to realize your aspirations.

twins. 21/5 – 21/6

With these star formations, if everyone around you is captivated by great activity, you don’t necessarily have to do the same. Do not be conditional: be spontaneous and transparent, even if it sometimes seems to you that you are not well understood.

cancer. 22/6 – 22/7

Thanks to Uranus, if an unexpected and very welcome gift appears, as it will help you solve a problem that will save you a lot of money. Accept the invitation and friendship of new and influential people, and let yourself be fascinated by new hobbies.

Lion. 23/7 – 23/8

With Venus in favor and Saturn against, take every opportunity to live better with your partner. The period is not the best, but it is good not to complain. Uranus Dislikes: You may encounter resistance to your need for change and independence.

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Bakr. 24/8 – 22/9

Jupiter, the symbol of law, intends to put a blaster in the wheel. Don’t get bogged down in legal matters and avoid signing contracts without thinking. With the opposite Mercury, don’t talk too much, because no one may want to listen to you.

Balance. 23/9 – 22/10

Be careful because Pluto is in squaring, because you may be participating in competitions or events that disturb your usual and reassuring routine. You will have a hard time with a colleague who was not honest with you in the past and held you back.

The scorpion. 23/10 – 22/11

Jupiter protects you in TRAIN: so you won’t have to wait any longer to see a professional project you’re particularly interested in. With this sweet side of Jupiter, legally speaking, you’ll be able to get by well even on your own.

Sagittarius. 23/11 – 21/12

Moon, Mars and Jupiter are hostile: if someone criticizes some inaccuracy in the activity that you do with such dedication, you will feel nervous. A job offer can excite you, even if it requires a lot of effort with Jupiter.

Capricorn. 12/22 – 1/20

Thanks to Jupiter in Pisces sextile Pluto in the sky, you’ll pay more attention to daily expenses in light of an extravagant future purchase. A colleague, in whom you would not have invested your trust, will help you clarify what is bothering you.

Aquarium. 21/1 – 19/2

With the Moon in a triple trip to Saturn, it can close a door in an area of ​​interest to you and it can open a door in another very successful area. An elderly person, with his experience and wisdom, can advise you to avoid taking wrong steps.

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fish. 20/2 – 20/3

The long and heavy day of various commitments will make you use up a lot of your energy. Fortunately, you will be able to quickly recharge with your interests. The partner’s cunning will bother you, but then you will prefer to pretend not to understand and try to relax.

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